166.11 Final Plat Requirements.
A.    Number of Copies and Scale. If the preliminary plat is approved by the Council, the subdivider shall submit twenty (20) copies of the final plat for review, by the Commission. The scale of the map shall be one inch equals fifty feet (1" = 50') unless otherwise approved by the Commission, up to a maximum of one inch equaling one hundred feet (1" = 100').
B.    Contents of Final Plat. The form of the Final Plat shall conform to the requirements of the Linn County Auditor and the Code of Iowa. Additionally the following information shall be shown on the plat:
   1.    Name of the subdivision, in bold letters inside the margin at the top of each sheet included in the plat.
   2.    Scale used shall be clearly stated and graphically illustrated by a bar scale drawn on every sheet showing any portion of the land subdivided, along with the compass point.
   3.    Location of all monuments shall be shown.
   4.    Legal description of the platted area.
   5.    Identification of all adjoining properties, and where adjoining properties are a part of a recorded subdivision, the name of that subdivision shall be shown. If a subdivision platted is a re-subdivision of a part or the whole of a previously recorded subdivision, sufficient ties shall be shown to controlling lines appearing on the earlier plat to permit an overlay to be made. Re-subdivisions shall be labeled as such in a subtitle following the name of the subdivision wherever the name appears on the plat.
   6.    Outside boundaries of the subdivided land shall be shown as well as sufficient survey data to positively describe the bounds of every lot, block, street, easement, or other areas shown on the plat including all interior excepted parcels. Those boundary lines of the proposed subdivision that are coincidental with adjacent property lines and/or adjacent subdivision shall be resolved by field survey to avoid any gaps or overlaps of ownership and description. The boundary lines thus located shall comprise the basis of a legal description of the property and shall encompass that area of subdivision, which shall be computed to the nearest one-hundredth (0.01) of an acre.
   7.    The course of every boundary line shown on the plat shall be indicated by a direct bearing reference or by an angle between the boundary line and an intersecting line having a shown bearing, except when the boundary line has an irregular or constantly changing course, as along a body of water, or when the description of the boundary line is better achieved by measurements shown at points or intervals along a meander line having a shown course. All bearings and angles shown should be given to at least the nearest minute of arc.
   8.    Curve data shall be stated in terms of radius (R=), central angle (D =), tangent (T=), arc length (A=), and chord (Ch=). All points of curvature (P.C.) and points of tangency (P.T.) shall be located and labeled.
   9.    When any lot or portion of the subdivision is bounded by an irregular line, the major portion of that lot or subdivision shall be enclosed by a meander line showing complete data with distances along all lines extending beyond the enclosure to the irregular boundary shown with as much certainty as can be determined. In all cases, the true boundary shall be clearly indicated on the plat.
   10.    Lots shall be numbered consecutively. All lot lines shall be dimensioned to the nearest 100th of a foot. The bearings or corner angles of all lot lines not parallel to the block lines shall be shown and lines intersecting a curved line shall be labeled as whether radial or not radial. Dimensions of curved lot lines shall include appropriate curve data. The area of all nonrectangular lots shall be shown to the nearest 100 square feet.
   11.    Centerlines of all street right-of-ways shall be designated and dimensions from angle point to angle point, point of curvature to point of tangency, intersection to intersection, or any combinations thereof between intersections with the appropriate bearings, angles, curve data, right-of-way widths and distances clearly shown.
   12.    Easement for public utilities and drainage facilities shall be designated and appropriately labeled with reserved width and type of “easement.”
   13.    Fractional section lines and corners of the government township and section surveys shall be appropriately labeled and dimensioned as applicable to the plat. All plats shall be tied to a known section or fractional corner by distances and bearings or angles.
   14.    Types of designation lines used shall be as follows:
      a.    Boundary lines by a heavy line of long dash (--), two dots, etc., and labeled "Plat Boundary."
      b.    Block lines by heavy solid lines.
      c.    Centerlines of all street right-of-ways by a fine line of long dash (--) short dash or dot, or other accepted method.
      d.    Easements by fine line of medium length dashes.
   15.    All areas dedicated to the public must be clearly shown and purpose indicated.
   16.    Street names, location, lot number designation and right-of-way width for all streets within or abutting the plat shall be shown.
   17.    Private restrictions and trusteeships and their periods of existence, if any. Should these be of such lengths as to make the lettering of same on plat impractical and thus necessitate the preparation of a separate instrument, reference to such instrument shall be made on the plat.
C.    Accompanying Material.
   1.    A deed to the City properly executed for all streets intended as public streets and for any other property intended for public use. (See 166.16b8 for additional requirements)
   2.    Any protective covenants or restrictions to be imposed upon the plat. (See 166.12a for review requirements)
   3.    Construction plans and specifications for all public improvements prepared in conformance with City Public Improvement Design Standards.
   4.    Certification by Linn County Conservation District Commission of an erosion and sediment control plan for any "land disturbing activities," as defined by Chapter 161A of the Code of Iowa that the plat may necessitate.
   5.    The following certificates:
      a.    A certificate by the owner that the subdivision is with the owner's free consent. The owner must sign this certificate before an officer authorized to acknowledge deeds.
      b.    A certificate by a registered land surveyor, licensed by the State of Iowa, that the plat was prepared by the surveyor or under the surveyor's direct supervision, signed and dated by the surveyor and bearing the surveyor's seal or Iowa registration number.
      c.    A certificate from the Treasurer of Linn County guaranteeing that the subdivision land is free from back taxes.
   6.    Prior to final approval of the plat and prior to its recording with the Linn County Recorder, the City Council shall require and accept the following:
      a.    The furnishing of a performance bond, letter of credit, cash escrow, or other guarantee in a form acceptable to the City, in an amount equal to 110% of the estimated cost of the improvement installation.
      b.    A specification of the time allowed for the installation of improvements. This period may be extended by the City Council.
      c.    The performance guarantee amount and requirement, along with the permitted time for installation, shall be included within the Subdivision Agreement negotiated between the City and the Developer and approved with the Final Plat.
   7.    A Subdivision Agreement shall be signed by the developer prior to submission of the final plat to the City Council. The Agreement shall set forth understandings between the City and the developer on topics including but not limited to the following, if applicable:
      a.    Sidewalk construction schedule and responsibility.
      b.    Dedication of streets and public improvements.
      c.    Terms for private water and sewer service on a temporary basis.
      d.    Restrictive or protective covenants.
      e.    Dedication of land, or payment in lieu of, for public service areas, parks and open spaces.
      f.    Performance and maintenance, and guarantees.
      g.    Public and private costs.
      h.    Minimum taxable value guarantee.
D.    Recording Plat.
   1.    The original plat drawing shall remain the property of the registered land surveyor.
   2.    There shall be three (3) copies stamped as approved by the City Council.
   3.    Bound copies of the plat and accompanying material, as well as the recommendation of the Commission and the attested resolution by the Council approving and accepting the plat shall be prepared for:
      a.    The Clerk to be retained for file;
      b.    The subdivision owner to be used for extending the abstract, securing opinion of owner's attorney and recording with County Recorder;
      c.    The Commission to be retained for file.