The Clerk shall issue or revoke licenses and permits when authorized by this Code of Ordinances, and keep a record of licenses and permits issued which shall show date of issuance, license or permit number, official receipt number, name of person to whom issued, term of license or permit and purpose for which issued.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 372.13[4])
The Clerk shall perform the following duties relating to elections and nominations:
1. Certify to the County Commissioner of Elections the type of nomination process to be used by the City no later than ninety (90) days before the date of the regular City election.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 376.6)
2. Accept the nomination petition of a candidate for a City office for filing if on its face it appears to have the requisite number of signatures and is timely filed.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 376.4)
3. Designate other employees or officials of the City who are ordinarily available to accept nomination papers if the Clerk is not readily available during normal working hours.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 376.4)
4. Note upon each petition and affidavit accepted for filing the date and time that the petition was filed.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 376.4)
5. Deliver all nomination petitions, together with the text of any public measure being submitted by the Council to the electorate, to the County Commissioner of Elections not later than five o’clock (5:00) p.m. on the day following the last day on which nomination petitions can be filed.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 376.4)
The City seal is in the custody of the Clerk and shall be attached by the Clerk to all transcripts, orders and certificates which it may be necessary or proper to authenticate. The City seal is circular in form, in the center of which are the words “CORPORATE SEAL” and around the margin the words “CITY OF MOUNT VERNON” and “MOUNT VERNON, IOWA.”