166.20 Appendix
A.    Exhibit A. Minor Plat Checklist.
Minor Plat Checklist
1)   Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, other plans   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
and documents, the Zoning Ordinance.
2)   North arrow, date (including dates of revisions), scale,    [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   signature blocks for P&Z and Mayor. Acreage of tract.
3)   Title block, legal description and general location of    [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   development, with monumentation. Present and proposed
   zoning. Key map showing location with references to
   surrounding property, streets, city limits with boundary of
   subdivision indicated by a heavy line.
4)   Each lot within the plat shall be assigned a progressive number.   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   Proposed layout of lots, showing numbers, lot dimensions
   and lot areas. Building setbacks or front yard lines.
5)   Present and proposed streets, alleys, trails and sidewalks, with    [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   their right-of-way, in or adjoining subdivisions, including
   dedicated widths, approximate gradients, types and widths
   of surfaces, curbs, and planting strips.
6)   Present and proposed easements, showing locations,         [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   widths, purposes and limitations.   
7)   Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved       [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   for schools, parks, playground, or other public,
   semi-public or community purposes.   
8)   Present and proposed utility systems, including the         [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   location and size of existing sanitary and storm sewers,
   culverts, water mains, street lights and other public
   utilities; and the location and alignment of proposed
   utilities to serve the development.
9)   Proposed name of the subdivision which shall not          [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   duplicate or resemble existing subdivision names in
   the County.
10)   Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider, and engineer,   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   surveyor or architect who prepared the preliminary plat, and
   the engineer, surveyor or architect who will prepare the final plat
   including certifications and seals.
11)   A general summary description of any protective covenant   s   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    or private restrictions to be incorporated in the final plat.
12)   The location of any floodway and flood hazard boundaries,      [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    and the identification of those areas subject to flooding
   and high water.
13)    Identification of all adjoining properties, and where such      [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    adjoining properties are part of recorded subdivisions
    the names of those subdivisions and property owners.
14)   Identification of areas prone to erosion and, by separate      [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    document attached to the preliminary plat, a grading plan to
   explain the methods that will be used to control erosion pursuant
   to the requirements of this chapter, including drainage calculations
   and percolation tests.   
15)   Identification of proposed Stormwater Best Management       [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    Practices and systems to collect, convey, detain, and discharge   
    stormwater in a safe manner consistent with all City, State,
    and Federal laws and regulations
16)   Contours at vertical intervals of not more than five (5) fee   t.   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
17)   Survey of trees and wooded areas (noting size and locations)   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   including mature or environmentally sensitive vegetation.
18)   A list of all variances from zoning and subdivision regulation   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    that are being requested.
19)   Report by City Engineer.                Date: ___________________
20)   Scheduled action by Planning and Zoning Commission.    Date: ___________________
                           Action Taken: ____________
21)   Scheduled action by City Council.             Date: ___________________
                           Action Taken: ____________
B.    Exhibit B. Preliminary Plat Checklist.
Preliminary Plat Checklist
1)   Planning conference with government officials.   Date held: ________________
2)   Date of filing preliminary plat.         Date filed: ________________
3)   20 copies of the preliminary plat submitted, with the following:
4)   Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, other plans   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   and documents, the Zoning Ordinance.
5)   North arrow, date (including dates of revisions), scale,    [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   signature blocks for P&Z and Mayor. Acreage of tract.
6)   Title block, legal description and location of development      [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   with monumentation. Present and proposed
   zoning. Key map showing location with references to
   surrounding property, streets, city limits with boundary of
   subdivision indicated by a heavy line.
7)   Each lot within the plat shall be assigned a progressive number.   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   Proposed layout of lots and blocks, showing numbers, lot and
   block dimensions and lot areas. Building setbacks or front yard lines.
8)   Present and proposed streets, alleys, trails and sidewalks, with    [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   their right-of-way, in or adjoining subdivision, including
   dedicated widths, approximate gradients, types and widths
   of surfaces, alignment, curbs, and planting strips.
9)   Present and proposed easements, showing locations   ,   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   widths, purposes and limitations. Location of all property lines,
   existing buildings and other site feature affecting the plan.   
10)    Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    for schools, parks, playground, or other public,
    semi-public or community purposes.   
11)    Present and proposed utility systems, including the      [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    location and size of existing sanitary and storm sewers,
    culverts, water mains, street lights and other public
    utilities; and the location and alignment of proposed
    utilities to serve the development.
12)    Proposed name of the subdivision which shall not         [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    duplicate or resemble existing subdivision names in
    the County.
13)    Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider, and engineer,   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    surveyor or architect who prepared the preliminary plat, and
    the engineer, surveyor or architect who will prepare the final plat
    including certifications and seals.
14)    A general summary description of any protective covenants   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    or private restrictions to be incorporated in the final plat.
15) The location of any floodway and flood hazard boundaries,      [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    and the identification of those areas subject to flooding
    and high water.   
16)    Identification of all adjoining properties, and where such      [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    adjoining properties are part of recorded subdivisions
    the names of those subdivisions and property owners.
17)    Identification of areas prone to erosion and, by separate      [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    document attached to the preliminary plat, a grading plan to
    explain the methods that will be used to control erosion pursuant
    to the requirements of this chapter, including drainage calculations
    and percolation tests.   
18)    Identification of proposed Stormwater Best Management       [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    Practices and systems to collect, convey, detain, and discharge   
    stormwater in a safe manner consistent with all City, State,
    and Federal laws and regulations      
19)   Contours at vertical intervals of not more than five (5) fee   t.   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
20)   Survey of trees and wooded areas (noting size and locations)   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    including mature or environmentally sensitive vegetation.
21)   A list of all variances from zoning and subdivision regulations   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    that are being requested.
22) Report by City Engineer.                Date: ___________________
23) Scheduled action by Planning and Zoning Commission.    Date: ___________________
                           Action Taken: ____________
24) Scheduled action by City Council.             Date: ___________________
                           Action Taken: ____________
C.    Exhibit C. Final Plat Checklist.
Final Plat Checklist
1)   Preliminary plat approval.               Date: ____________________
2)   Date of filing preliminary plat.            Date filed: ________________
3)   20 copies of the final plat submitted, with the following:
4)   Name of subdivision in bold letters at the top of each shee    t   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   included in the plat.
5)   Name and address of owner.            [ ]YES      [ ]NO
6)   Scale used shall be clearly stated by a bar scale drawn on      [ ]YES      [ ]NO
drawn on every sheet with a compass point.      
7)   Location of all monuments meeting requirements of the Code    [ ]YES      [ ]NO
   of Iowa.    
8)   Legal description of the platted area   .   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
9)    Identification of all adjoining properties.   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
10)    Outside boundaries of the subdivided land shall be shown as    [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    well as sufficient survey data to positively describe the
    bounds of every lot, block, street, easement, or other areas
    shown on the plat including all interior excepted parcels.   
11)    All distance, bearing, street centerline, curve and other       [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    information as required by this ordinance and State Code.
12)    Designation and labeling of easements for public utilities and   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    drainage facilities.
13)    Dimensions and purpose of any land dedicated to the public.   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
14)    Numbering of all lots and blocks.               [ ]YES      [ ]NO
15)    Names, locations, lot number designations and ROW width   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    for all streets and alleys within or abutting the plat.   
16) Designation of all interior excepted parcels, clearly indicated       [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    and labeled as NOT PART OF THIS PLAT.
17)   Certification, signature and acknowledgement of owner.      [ ]YES      [ ]NO
18)   Review and certification that plat meets minimum unadjusted   [ ]YES      [ ]NO
    for error for closure.
19)   Surveyor’s certification, seal and signature.            [ ]YES      [ ]NO
20)   Contains the following attachments:
      -Attorney’s opinion
      -County Treasure’s certificate
      -Clerk of Court certificate
      - County Recorder’s certificate
      - Encumbrance bond, if necessary
      - Restrictive covenants, if any
      - Engineer’s certification of completion of improvements
      - Performance bond, if necessary
      - Subdivision agreement
21)   Review by City Engineer.          Date: ___________________
22)   Referral to Planning and Zoning Commission for conformance with preliminary plat.
                     Date: ___________________
                     Action Taken: ____________
23)   Scheduled action by City Council to approve final plat.
                     Date: ___________________
                     Action Taken: ____________
24)   Scheduled action by City Council for approval and acceptance of public improvements.
                     Date: ___________________
                     Action Taken: ____________