1.   An adult person who is the legal or equitable owner in possession of the premises or lease of, or who otherwise has possession and control over the premises shall not knowingly tolerate, allow, or permit, during a social gathering.
   A.   Any person on such premises to possess or consume controlled substances or synthetic alternatives (As defined by Iowa Code sections 124 and 155A); or
   B.   Any person under the age of twenty-one (21) on such premises to possess or consume any alcoholic beverage (As defined by Iowa Code section 123.47(2)).
2.   The presence of any adult person who is the owner or lease or, or who otherwise has control over, a premises during the time that any person possesses or consumes controlled substances or synthetic alternatives or any person under the age of twenty-one (21) possesses or consumes any alcoholic beverages on such property shall be prima facie evidence that such adult knowledge or should have had the knowledge that such activities were occurring.
3.   If a person under the age of eighteen (18) hosts a social gathering and the parent (s) of the person under the age of eighteen (18) knows or reasonably should know of the social gathering and know that the consumption or controlled substances or synthetic alternatives by any person or alcoholic beverages by any person under the age of twenty-one (21) is occurring, the parent(s) shall be liable for violating of this Ordinance.