§ 131.06 EXCEPTIONS.
   (A)   The person required to register in/on the database established the permanent residence or temporary residence and residency prior to the adoption of this chapter has been consistently maintained and the person has complied with all the sex offender registration laws of the State of Texas, prior to the date of the adoption of this chapter.
   (B)   The place where children regularly congregate, as specified herein, within 1,000 feet of the permanent or temporary residence of the person required to register on/in the database was opened after the person established the permanent or temporary residence and complied with all sex offender registration laws of the State of Texas.
   (C)   The information on/in the database is incorrect, and, if corrected, this section would not apply to the person who was erroneously listed on/in the database.
   (D)   The person required to register on/in the database was a minor when he or she committed the offense requiring such registration and was not convicted as an adult.
   (E)   The person required to register is required to serve a sentence at a jail, prison, juvenile facility, or other correctional institution located within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a school, child care facility, child care institution, park or play ground, or other places where children regularly congregate.
   (F)   The person required to register is under 18 years of age or a ward under a guardianship who resides with a parent or guardian.
   (G)   The person required to register has been exempted by a court order from registration as a sex offender under Tex. Code of Criminal Procedure, Ch. 62.
   (H)   The person required to register has had the offense for which the sex offender registration was required reversed on appeal or pardoned.
   (I)   The person's duty to register on/in the database has expired.
   (J)   Nothing in this provision shall require any person to sell or otherwise dispose of any real estate or home acquired or owned prior to the conviction of the person as a sex offender.
   (K)   A registered sexual offender can apply for an exemption from a provision of this chapter by making a request to the Chief of Police through the Sexual Offender Registry Office. The Exemption request must be in writing, citing the specific code section for the exemption; state why an exemption should be granted; and must be signed by the person making the request. A review and decision shall be conducted within 30 work days, excluding weekends and city holidays. The decision of the Chief of Police, based solely on the exemption request without further hearing, shall be final. A copy of the decision shall be kept within the Sexual Offender Registry Office.
(Ord. 2018-13, passed 12-4-18; Am. Ord. 2019-01, passed 2-5-19)