(A)   The City Council authorizes the City Manager to establish and adopt fees to be billed against the insurance coverage of parties involved in motor vehicle accidents, vehicle fires, hazardous waste or chemical spills, or other non-fire suppression activities to which the city responds with Fire Department equipment and/or personnel.
   (B)   Those charges will be assessed as a debt to the party causing the event, the landowner, the party controlling the premises in the event of a spill or dumping and/or the party transporting said hazardous, dangerous and/or injurious product.
   (C)   Fire suppression activities resulting from third party negligence may be billed against that third party. Fire suppression activities resulting from arson may be billed against the arsonist.
   (D)   The City Manager is authorized to contract with a third party entity to collect said fees.
   (E)   The city may enforce the provisions of this section by any action allowed by law for the collection of any amounts due hereafter, including reasonable and necessary attorney fees, costs, and expenses in a court of competent jurisdiction.
   (F)   There shall be established within the City of Mount Pleasant General Fund a special fund into which proceeds from this section will be deposited for the purchase of emergency response and prevention equipment, materials, services and training.
   (G)   The City Council authorizes the City Manager to establish and adopt fees to be billed to the person conducting or the property owner involved in controlled burning for land clearing operations when the Fire Department has to respond to a complaint of smoke being a nuisance or hazard and has to use fire department resources to extinguish the fire.
(Ord. 2012-6, passed 11-6-12; Am. Ord. 2021-4, passed 3-16-21)