(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this district is to establish a suitable environment for mobile home use and to eliminate the often negative impacts of these dwellings on adjacent areas.
   (B)   Use regulations.
      (1)   Mobile homes and travel trailers shall be located only in approved mobile home parks with the following exceptions:
         (a)   A mobile home may be used as an office structure on a lot doing business as, and licensed for, mobile homes and/or recreational vehicle sales;
         (b)   Travel trailers may be used as temporary offices on construction sites.
      (2)   A travel trailer, motor home or camper may be kept on the premises of a residential dwelling but may not be used as living quarters or for the conduct of business.
      (3)   The normal and customary accessory uses, including office and/or maintenance buildings for the mobile home park, recreation buildings, swimming pool, laundry and storage facilities for use by mobile home park residents and open recreation areas.
   (C)   Development regulations.
      (1)   Area and spacing requirements.
         (a)   A mobile home park shall be at least two acres in size and there shall be no more than 12 mobile homes per acre.
         (b)   There shall be at least a 20-foot space between mobile homes. When mobile homes are parked end-to-end, this space shall be not less than ten feet.
         (c)   Each mobile home shall be located at least 25 feet from the property lines of the mobile home park which abuts a public street or highway.
         (d)   Vehicular entrances to or exits from a mobile home park shall be at least 200 feet along streets from any school, public playground, church, hospital or library.
      (2)   Streets and walkways.
         (a)   Each mobile home park shall adjoin a public street and each mobile home lot shall have direct access to a private interior street at least 25 feet in width. The internal street or streets shall be continuous and connect with other internal streets or with public streets or be provided with a paved cul-de-sac.
         (b)   Internal access drives shall be provided to each mobile home space and shall be at least 25 feet in width.
         (c)   Walkways not less than two feet wide shall be provided from the mobile home lot to the service buildings within each mobile home park.
      (3)   Anchoring and storage.
         (a)   Each mobile home shall rest upon a concrete slab of sufficient strength to support the wheels and the front parking jack. Each slab shall be at least eight feet by ten feet and have a minimum thickness of four inches.
         (b)   Each mobile home shall be firmly anchored to the slab upon which it rests by means of tie-downs and anchors secured in accordance with regulations established by the Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act.
         (c)   The area underneath a mobile home shall not be used for storage but shall be screened with material similar in composition and characteristics to that used to construct the mobile home.
      (4)   Landscaping and screening.
         (a)   All streets, drives and walkways within a mobile home park shall be surfaced with pavement in accordance with city specifications.
         (b)   Exposed ground surfaces throughout the mobile home park shall be completely and permanently landscaped. These surfaces shall be protected with a vegetative growth that is capable of preventing soil erosion and objectionable dust.
         (c)   In the event a mobile home park backs or sides upon a residential, business, commercial or industrial district, a solid screening fence at least six feet in height shall be erected along the property line between the two districts.
   (D)   Parking regulations.
      (1)   Two parking spaces for each mobile home lot, plus one additional space for each three lots shall be provided.
      (2)   Off-street parking and loading regulations: see § 155.47.
(`87 Code, Zoning Ordinance, Art. II, § 6) (Am. Ord. 1996-14, passed 10-15-96)