(A)   Discharges requiring a trap include:
      (1)   Grease or waste containing grease in excessive amounts;
      (2)   Oil;
      (3)   Sand;
      (4)   Flammable wastes; and
      (5)   Other harmful ingredients.
   (B)   Any person responsible for discharges requiring a trap shall, at his or her own expense and as required by the approving authority:
      (1)   Provide equipment and facilities of a type and capacity approved by the approving authority;
      (2)   Locate the trap in a manner that provides ready and easy accessibility for cleaning and inspection;
      (3)   Maintain the trap in effective operating condition.
   (C)   The Director of Utilities, Building Inspector, Health Inspector and/or other duly authorized employees of the city bearing proper identification are entitled to enter any public or private lands, buildings or other properties connected to the city’s public sewer system for the purpose of regularly inspecting traps for compliance with the provisions of this section, and all persons responsible for discharges requiring a trap shall cooperate in permitting such entrance.
   (D)   When, upon inspection as provided for in division (C) of this section, a trap is found to be in an inoperative or unclean condition to such a degree that grease, oil, sand, flammable wastes and/or other harmful ingredients are being discharged into the city’s public sewers in such a manner as to clog same and/or to impair or interfere with the operation or efficiency of wastewater treatment processes, facilities or equipment, the city may immediately have such trap cleaned and returned to an operative condition through the use of city personnel and equipment and may charge the person responsible for the discharge and for maintenance of the trap a fee in the amount of $200.00, which fee shall be added to said person’s monthly bill for water and/or sanitary sewer services. In the event that said fee is not paid on or before the twenty-first day after the billing date of the monthly bill to which said fee has been added, the city shall have the authority to disconnect or terminate all water and/or sanitary sewer services furnished said person, as provided in § 50.22.
(`87 Code, § 24-59) (Ord. 1973-2, passed 1-16-73; Am. Ord. 1987-21, passed 12-1-87; Am. Ord. 2002-31, passed 3-5-02)