(A)   No person may discharge into public sewers any substance capable of causing:
      (1)   Obstruction to the flow in sewers;
      (2)   Interference with the operation of treatment processes of facilities; or
      (3)   Excessive loading of treatment facilities.
   (B)   Discharges prohibited by division (A) of this section include, but are not limited to, materials which exert or cause concentrations of:
      (1)   Inert suspended solids greater than 250 mg/l, including but not limited to:
         (a)   Fuller’s earth;
         (b)   Lime slurries; and
         (c)   Lime residues;
      (2)   Dissolved solids greater than 500 mg/l, including but not limited to:
         (a)   Sodium chloride; and
         (b)   Sodium sulfate;
      (3)   Excessive discoloration, including but not limited to:
         (a)   Dye wastes; and
         (b)   Vegetable tanning solutions; or
      (4)   B.O.D., C.O.D. or chlorine demand in excess of normal plant capacity.
   (C)   No person may discharge into public sewers any substance that may:
      (1)   Deposit grease or oil in the sewer lines in such manner as to clog the sewers;
      (2)   Overload skimming and grease handling equipment;
      (3)   Pass to the receiving waters without being effectively treated by normal waste water treatment processes due to the nonamendability of the substance to bacterial action; or
      (4)   Deleteriously affect the treatment process due to excessive quantities.
   (D)   No person may discharge any substance into public sewers which:
      (1)   Is not amenable to treatment or reduction by the processes and facilities employed; or
      (2)   Is amenable to treatment only to such a degree that the treatment plant effluent cannot meet the requirements of other agencies having jurisdiction over discharge to the receiving waters.
   (E)   The approving authority shall regulate the flow and concentration of slugs when they may:
      (1)   Impair the treatment process;
      (2)   Cause damage to collection facilities;
      (3)   Incur treatment costs exceeding those for normal waste water; or
      (4)   Render the waste unfit for stream disposal or industrial use.
   (F)   No person may discharge into public sewers solid or viscous substances which may violate division (A) of this section if present in sufficient quantity or size, including but not limited to:
      (1)   Ashes;
      (2)   Cinders;
      (3)   Sand;
      (4)   Mud;
      (5)   Straw;
      (6)   Shavings;
      (7)   Metal;
      (8)   Glass;
      (9)   Hair and fleshings;
      (10)   Paper products, either whole or ground by garbage grinders;
      (11)   Rags;
      (12)   Feathers;
      (13)   Tar;
      (14)   Plastics;
      (15)   Wood;
      (16)   Unground garbage;
      (17)   Whole blood;
      (18)   Paunch manure;
      (19)   Entrails;
      (20)   Slops;
      (21)   Chemical residues;
      (22)   Paint residues;
      (23)   Bulk solids.
(`87 Code, § 24-55) (Ord. 1973-2, passed 1-16-73)