(A)   Parliamentary authority. Robert’s Rules of Order (newly revised) shall govern all proceedings except as provided by law or this section. The Town Attorney shall act as parliamentarian. Decisions of the Chair may be appealed in accordance with § 30.32.
   (B)   Agenda. All matters will be placed on the Council agenda for regular monthly meetings if submitted in writing by three Councilmembers to the Town Administrator by 4:30 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled Council meeting. All matters will be placed on Special Town Council agendas if submitted in writing by three Councilmembers to the Town Administrator at least 48 hours before the scheduled Special Council meeting. The following additional provisions shall apply to Council agendas:
      (1)   Matters requested by fewer than three Councilmembers for inclusion on any Council agenda shall first be submitted in writing to the appropriate Committee chairperson for inclusion on the Committee agenda. To be considered, requests shall be submitted three full business days before the scheduled Committee meeting. Committee chairpersons shall respond in writing to the request no later than two full business days before the scheduled Committee meeting. Matters placed on a Committee agenda shall be eligible for placement on the next Council agenda. Should the Committee chairperson decline to place the matter on the next Committee agenda or fail to provide a timely response, the matter shall be eligible for placement on the next Council agenda;
      (2)   Councilmembers who request matters to be placed on any Council agenda in accordance with this section, unless approved for inclusion on an agenda by a Committee, shall be identified by name on the agenda as sponsors of the matter: and
      (3)   The provisions in this section are subject to the requirements of S.C. Code § 30-4-80(A) regarding exigent circumstances.
   (C)   Public comments to Council. 
      (1)   Public comments. Any person wishing to address Council on a matter not on the agenda or to speak on a matter on the Council agenda may sign in prior to the Council meeting. All public comments shall be made during the designated public comments period on the agenda. Two minutes and 30 seconds will be allowed for each speaker. The Mayor or Chairperson, subject to appeal, may elect to allow those public comments related to published agenda items to speak prior to those making general comments on non-agenda items.
      (2)   Follow-up/questions/comments. Councilmembers may respond to those persons speaking to Council by addressing questions to speakers through the Chair.
   (D)   Recognition of speakers. In order to speak, a Councilmember or staff member must be recognized by the Chair. A member should raise his/her hand and be recognized before speaking. If more than one hand is raised, the Chair shall decide the order of speakers. Provided, however, that the member introducing the matter shall have the first opportunity to speak following a “second” if one is required.
   (E)   Councilmembers speaking.
      (1)   A Councilmember, upon recognition by the Chair, shall have the floor until he/she relinquishes it.
      (2)   Each Councilmember who wishes to speak will be afforded the utmost opportunity.
      (3)   No Councilmember shall interrupt while another is speaking, except where otherwise provided in the rules.
   (F)   Manner of voting. All votes taken by Council shall be by voice vote or roll call, at the direction of the Chair or upon request by any Councilmember. Votes for election to a position on Council shall be by secret ballot. The reasons for a member’s vote may be stated once the vote is called, or a member may state the reasons for his/her decision on the question during the discussion of the motion. Town Council will allow absent members to listen by telephone but will not allow participation and voting by telephone. The latter rules shall also apply to committee meetings.
   (G)   Public attendance. In accordance with state law, the public is entitled to attend all public meetings, including those of Council, and no person may be removed from public meetings for any reason except willful disruption of the meeting.
(Ord. 06001, passed 2-15-06; Am. Ord. 14095, passed 1-13-15; Am. Ord. 16011, passed 2-10-16; Am. Ord. 19016, passed 4-9-19; Am. Ord. 19041, passed 6-11-19; Am. Ord. 21025, passed 4-13-21; Am. Ord. 21044, passed 6-8-21; Am. Ord. 22057, passed 11-14-22)