§ 150.002 FEE SCHEDULES.
   Building valuation and fees.
   (A)   Valuation for new construction. Building valuation for new construction will be determined by the Building Official, based on the most current Building Valuation Tables, as published by International Code Council (ICC) or contract amount, whichever is higher. Upon determination of valuation, the Building Official will set the amount of the permit fee pursuant to the latest Department of Engineering and Development Services fee schedule. All building permits are value-based permits.
   (B)   Where valuation (material and labor) does not exceed $1,000. No permit is required, unless an inspection is required.
   (C)   Work started without permit. Where work for which a permit is required by the code is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining the permit, per the latest Department of Engineering and Development Services fee schedule, but the payment shall not relieve any persons from fully complying with the requirements of the code in the execution of the work, nor from any other penalties prescribed herein.
   (D)   Plan review fee.
      (1)   As determined by the Building Official, when the valuation of the proposed construction exceeds $1,000 and a structural review is required, a plan review fee shall be paid to the Building Official before a review will be started, except as otherwise provided herein. The plan review fee shall be per the latest Department of Engineering and Development Services fee schedule. The fee shall be paid at the time of plan submittal for review. This fee is non-refundable if the plan review has started.
      (2)   In the event that a third-party review has been approved by the Building Official in accordance with internal policy, the plan review fee shall be reduced to 10% of the fee calculated as described above. As determined by the Building Official, the plan review fee may be applied to re-submittals and revisions to previously reviewed plans.
      (3)   The initial review and one minor re-review (as determined by the reviewer) is included. If a full re-submission or substantial changes have been made, there may be additional charges each time after per the latest fee schedule.
   (E)   Fees are not refundable unless an error from a town employee.
(Ord. 99072, passed 1-11-00; Am. Ord. 00038, passed 7-11-00; Am. Ord. 00071, passed 1-9-01; Am. Ord. 03051, passed 9-9-03; Am. Ord. 07063, passed 10-9-07; Am. Ord. 11046, passed 7-12-11; Am. Ord. 14025, passed 4-8-14; Am. Ord. 16083, passed 10-11-16; Am. Ord. 17017, passed 5-9-17; Am. Ord. 24018, passed 5-16-24)