It shall be the duty of the Mayor, among other duties, to:
   (A)   As delegated by the Council, as Chief Executive Officer, the Mayor shall have the power and authority to discipline department heads and other town officials appointed by Council, including the authority to terminate, demote, or suspend provided that the Mayor shall report to Council any such action taken and the reasons therefor. Prior to any such action, he or she shall give the reasons for the action to the appointed official and that official will have an opportunity to state in writing why such action should not be taken.
   (B)   Give such direction to subordinate officers as may be necessary to carry the ordinances and the police laws and regulations into effect.
   (C)   Direct an annual audit to be made of the books of the Director of Financial and Corporate Services, the Finance Division Chief, and other officers of the municipality having custody or control of any funds or securities.
   (D)   Call on officers, boards, commissions, and agencies, from time to time as be may deem necessary, to furnish the Mayor, in writing, with any information connected with any of their respective offices.
   (E)   Inspect, from time to time, all work being undertaken at town expense, whether such work be on buildings, on the streets, drains, canals, or of any kind or nature whatsoever, and report to the Council concerning such inspections, either at a regular meeting of Council or at any special meeting.
   (F)   Communicate to the Council from time to time such information, and recommend to the Council such measures, as may tend to the improvement of the finances, the police, the health, security, cleanliness, ornament, and general welfare of the municipality.
(‘81 Code, §31.22) (Am. Ord. passed 9-9-85; Am. Ord. 99005, passed 2-9-99; Am. Ord. 21030, passed 5-11-21)