(A) Small maturing trees (up to 25-foot height).
(1) Akebono (Daybreak) Yoshino Cherry;
(2) Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry;
(3) Crape Myrtle;
(4) Eastern Redbud;
(5) Flame Amur Maple;
(6) Flowering Dogwood;
(7) Foster Holly;
(8) Greenleaf Holly;
(9) Japanese Maple;
(10) Kousa Dogwood;
(11) Little Gem Mognolia;
(12) Little Girl Hybrid Magnolia;
(13) Magnolia;
(14) Okame Cherry;
(15) Purpleblow Maple;
(16) Rutger’s Hybrid Dogwood;
(17) Saucer Magnolia; and
(18) Snowgoose Japanese Flowering Cherry.
(B) Medium maturing trees (25- to 50-foot height).
(1) American Hornbeam;
(2) Autumn Gold Ginkgo;
(3) Black Gum;
(4) Carolina Cherrylaurel;
(5) Crape Myrtle;
(6) Dura-Heat River Birch;
(7) East Palatka Holly;
(8) European Hornbeam;
(9) Galaxy Magnolia;
(10) Japanese Flowering Cherry;
(11) Legacy Sugar Maple;
(12) Legacy Sugar Maple;
(13) October Glory Red Maple;
(14) Paperbark Maple;
(15) Red Sunset Red Maple;
(16) Savannah Holly;
(17) Southern Magnolia;
(18) Trident Maple; and
(19) Yoshino Cherry.
(C) Large maturing trees (50+-foot height).
(1) Allee Elm;
(2) Armstrong Red Maple;
(3) Athena Elm;
(4) Autumn Blaze Freeman Maple;
(5) Baldcypress;
(6) Bonfire Sugar Maple;
(7) Bowhall Red Maple;
(8) Commemoration Sugar Maple;
(9) Dawn Redwood;
(10) Drake Elm;
(11) Fairmont Ginkgo;
(12) Green Mountain Sugar Maple;
(13) Green Vase Japanese Zelkova;
(14) Magyar Ginkgo;
(15) Nuttall Oak;
(16) Overcup Oak;
(17) Princeton Sentry Ginkgo;
(18) Rotundilobo Fruitless Sweetgum;
(19) Sawtooth Oak;
(20) Shumard Oak;
(21) Southern Magnolia;
(22) Southern Red Oak;
(23) Village Green Japanese Zelkova;
(24) White Oak; and
(25) Willow Oak.
(D) Shrubs.
(1) Aesculus parviflora (Bottlebush Buckeye);
(2) Aronia arbutifolia (Red Chokeberry);
(3) Berberis julianae* (Wintergreen Barberry);
(4) Buddleia davidii* (Butterfly Bush);
(5) Callicarpa (Beautyberry);
(6) Calycanthus floridus* (Sweetshrub);
(7) Camellia japonica sasanqua* (Camellia);
(8) Caryoptoris species* (Bluebeard);
(9) Chamaecyparis pisifera cultivar (Japanese False Cypress);
(10) Clethra alnifolia (Summersweet Clethra);
(11) Cornus sericea* (Red Osier Dogwood);
(12) Cyrill racimiflora (Leatherwood);
(13) Cytisrus scoparius* (Scotch Broom)
(14) Deutzia gucillis (Smooth Deutza);
(15) Exochorda racemosa (Pearlbush);
(16) Forsythis intermedia (Border forsythia);
(17) Hydrangea species (Hydrangea);
(18) Hypericum frondosum (St. Johns Wort);
(19) Illicium parviflorum (Small Anise Tree);
(20) Ilex crenata cultivars* (Japanese Holly);
(21) Ilex glabra* (Inkberry Holly);
(22) Ilex vomitoria* (Yaupon Holly);
(23) Ilex verticillata* (Winterberry Holly);
(24) Itea virginica (Virginia Sweetspire);
(25) Lespedeza thumburgii (Shrub Lespedeza);
(26) Loropetalum (Chinese Lorpetalum);
(27) Juniperus cultivars* (Juniper);
(28) Mahonia bealel (Leatherleaf Mahonia);
(29) Myrica cerifera* (Wax Myrtle);
(30) Nandina-firepower* (Dwarf varieties only);
(31) Osmanthus fortunel* (“Zabel” Skip Laurel);
(32) Osmanthus species* (Fragrant Tea Oliver);
(33) Philadelphus species (Mock Orange);
(34) Pieris japonica (Japanese Andromedia);
(35) Prunus lauroceracus* (“Zabel” “Zabeb” Skip Laurel);
(36) Pseudocydonia sinensis* (Quince);
(37) Pyacantha species* (Firethorn);
(38) Rosmarinus officinalis* (Rosemary);
(39) Rhododendron species* (Rhododendron and Azalea);
(40) Sacococca hookavana* (Sweet Box);
(41) Spiea species* (Spirea); and
(42) Viburnum species* (Viburnum).
Notes: * Indicated desired species.
(Ord. passed 5-13-1996; Ord. passed - -)