(A)   Generally. Plan and plats, in the proper form, may be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and consideration of approval, or submission to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation to the City Council. The Planning and Development Department may refuse to accept the submission of any plans, plats or supporting documents which do not meet the standards for such submittals as contained in this chapter and/or Land Development Guidelines.
   (B)   Sketch plans. Major and minor subdivision sketch plans may be submitted at any time. However, the subdivider and/or applicant must request a meeting with the Planning and Development Department prior to any sketch plan submittal to discuss the development and process. The Planning and Development Department shall approve, approve conditionally or deny the approval of a sketch plan within ten business days of receipt. Approval, conditional approval or denial shall be in written and/or drawn form and dated. Typically, sketch plans shall be presented and discussed during a meeting with the Planning and Development Department, at which time the Planning and Development Department will provide feedback regarding the presented sketch plan.
   (C)   Site plans.
      (1)   Site plans may be submitted at any time, provided, however, the subdivider and/or applicant has met with the Planning and Development Department to discuss the proposed development ideas and development process moving forward. The Planning and Development Department will distribute site plans to appropriate city departments for input and review. City departments will have up to 20 business days to complete reviews and return all necessary comments to the Planning and Development Department. It may be necessary for the subdivider and/or applicant to meet with the Planning and Development Department to discuss comments relating to the presented site plan. If said meeting is necessary, the Planning and Development shall make arrangements to hold such meeting with the subdivider and/or applicant and all appropriate city staff. The subdivider and/or applicant may resubmit site plans for review and approval once all comments are addressed. The review period for re-submittals shall remain the same as all initial review periods. Seven sets of plans are required for construction and/or site plan reviews. Three sets of plans are required for all subsequent plan reviews. A signed set of approved plans must be retained at the project site by the applicant.
      (2)   Once site plans have been approved by the city, the applicant may request a zoning permit to be issued. The zoning permit shall enable the applicant to obtain a building permit, however, prior to any construction, the applicant must meet with city staff to discuss the construction schedule. The subdivider and/or applicant must resubmit two signed/approved copies of the plans to the city, as well as an electronic copy.
      (3)   If it is determined that a final plat must be recorded due to the construction and installation of public facilities, the final plat approval process must be followed as it is outlined in this chapter.
      (4)   Once construction is complete, the applicant must request a zoning certificate of compliance inspection by contacting the Planning and Development Department, at which time an inspection will take place to ensure that the site is developed in accordance with the approved site plan.
   (D)   Construction plans.
      (1)   Construction plans may be submitted at any time; provided, however, the subdivider and/or applicant may be required to meet with the Planning and Development Department as well as the City Engineer prior to any submission. Construction plans shall include all necessary information required by this chapter or any other ordinances of the city that may apply. City staff shall have 20 business days to complete initial reviews of construction plans. Once the initial city staff reviews are complete, the Planning and Development Department will schedule a Technical Review Committee (TRC) meeting with the subdivider and/or applicant and appropriate city staff to review the submittal. Once the TRC meeting is complete, the subdivider may submit revised construction plans, in which city staff shall have an additional 15 business days to complete reviews. If all comments are not addressed with the re-submittal, this process may continue until plans are approved by city staff.
      (2)   Construction plan approval shall entitle the subdivider and/or applicant to commence with construction of the site. However, prior to the actual start of construction, the subdivider and/or applicant must meet with city staff to discuss the construction schedule. Seven sets of plans are required for all construction plan reviews. Three sets of plans are required for all subsequent plan reviews. A signed set of approved plans must be retained at the project site by the applicant. The applicant’s engineer must submit approved plans for the city’s use. Refer to § 153.086 for requirements.
      (3)   Construction plan approval is required for subdivisions of land, civic, commercial, industrial, multi-family or other type of project.
   (E)   Final plats. Final plats may be submitted at any time provided, however, in order to be eligible to be placed on the agenda of a Planning Commission meeting, such submittal shall have been filed with the Planning and Development Department at least 15 business days prior to that meeting. City staff shall have a minimum of ten business days to complete the initial review of final plats. Once staff reviews are complete, the Planning and Development Department shall direct any and all comments to the subdivider and/or applicant who shall in turn re-submit the final plat. The Planning and Development Department must receive all re-submitted final plats a minimum of five business days prior to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting in order to be placed on such agenda. The Planning Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions or denial of the final plat within 35 days of its first consideration. The recommendation shall be in written and/or drawn form and dated. Following Planning Commission action, the Planning and Development Department shall place the final plat on the next regular agenda of the City Council meeting. The City Council shall have 60 days from its first consideration to approve, approve with conditions or deny the final plat.
   (F)   Special Provisions for Conditional Districts. Proposals for rezoning to any conditional district shall be processed and considered in the same procedure as conventional rezoning proposals, except as otherwise set forth in the § 4.3 of the Zoning Code.
(Ord. passed 9-27-2021)