For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CONTRACTOR. Any person or firm performing or managing construction work at a construction site, including any construction manager, general contractor or subcontractor.
   DESIGN MANUAL. A single document or manual, or collection of documents and manuals, referenced by the city containing policy, criteria and information, including technical specifications and standards. Refer to the Land Development Manual.
   DEVELOPED LAND. Property altered from a natural state that contains impervious surface.
   DRIVEWAY PIPE CULVERT. A storm drainage pipe conveying stormwater runoff in a ditch from one side of an obstruction (i.e., driveway) to the other side.
   FLOOD PLAIN. Land area susceptible to being inundated by water during a storm event having a 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
   ILLICIT CONNECTION. To the city storm sewer system, any physical connection or other topographical or other condition, natural or artificial, which is not specifically authorized by ordinance or written rule of the city, which causes or facilitates, directly or indirectly, an illicit discharge.
   IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREAS. Areas within developed land which prevent or significantly impede the infiltration of stormwater into the soil.
   MS4. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems.
   ON-SITE STORMWATER CONTROL FACILITIES. The overall design, construction and maintenance of one or more devices and measures and associated drainage easements, conduits, inlets, channels pipes, ditches, filters, buffers, bioretention areas, and ponds, necessary to collect, convey, store, control and discharge stormwater runoff and pollutants within and from a single property.
   ONE-YEAR, 24-HOUR STORM. The surface runoff resulting from a 24-hour rainfall intensity expected to be equaled or exceeded, on average, once in 12 months and with a duration of 24 hours.
   OWNER. The legal or beneficial owner of the land including, but not limited to, a mortgagee or vendee in possession, receiver, executor, trustee or long-term or commercial lessee, or any other person or entity holding proprietary rights in the property or having legal power of management and control of the property.
   PRIVATE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. All privately owned ground, surfaces, structures or systems that contribute to or convey stormwater, including, but not limited to, roofs, gutters, downspouts, lawns, driveways, pavement, roads, streets, curbs, ditches, inlets, drains, catch basins, pipes, tunnels, culverts, channels, detention basins, ponds, draws, swales, streams and any ground surface.
   PROPER OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE. Any action necessary to keep stormwater control measures and devices in proper working condition, so that such facilities will continue to comply with applicable city code to prevent safety hazards, public nuisances and the failure of stormwater control measures and devices to function as intended. MAINTENANCE includes activities identified on approved stormwater management plans, any applicable stormwater operations and maintenance manual, any applicable agreements or certifications to the city, and those activities outlined in the city’s Technical Standards Manual and this chapter.
   PUBLIC STORMWATER SYSTEM. A combination of inlets, manholes, pipes, ditches, curbs, headwalls and/or flared end sections located within public road rights-of-way or within permanent drainage easements conveyed to, accepted by and recorded by the city. Typically, most PUBLIC STORMWATER SYSTEMS are designed for a ten-year storm event.
   STORMWATER ADMINISTRATOR. The person who is designated by the city to manage stormwater services and who is charged with certain duties and responsibilities by this chapter or that person’s duly authorized representative.
   STORMWATER. Runoff from precipitation that travels over natural or developed surfaces to the nearest stream, other conduit or impoundment.
   STORMWATER SERVICES. Includes the arrangement of city stormwater quality, quantity and conveyance facilities in accordance with federal and state laws, and city regulations and rules. SERVICES include, but are not limited to, mapping, planning, construction, operation, maintenance, inspection, administration and regulation of stormwater management systems, impervious surfaces and storm drainage conveyance systems.
   STORMWATER SYSTEMS. A stormwater conveyance or unified stormwater conveyance system (including, without limitation, roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, stormwater management facilities, curbs, gutters, ditches, natural or human-made channels or storm drains) that is located within the corporate limits of the city; and/or is owned and operated by the city; and discharges to waters of the state, excluding publicly owned treatment works, and lawful connections thereto, which in turn discharge into the waters of the state.
   STRUCTURAL BMP. A physical device designed to trap, settle out or filter pollutants from stormwater runoff; to alter or reduce stormwater runoff velocity, quantity, timing or other characteristics; to approximate the pre-development hydrology on a developed site; or to achieve any combination of these goals.
   WETLAND. Any area that is inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
(Code 2019, § 23-2) (Res. 04142014, passed - -)