(A) Exterior architectural appearance. No person shall perform any alteration, construction, demolition or removal or in any way affect the exterior architectural appearance (for example, exterior painting is not an “architectural change”) of any landmark, or any property within the historic district without first submitting plans and specifications for the work under consideration to the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee for review. Any recommendation of the Committee is advisory. No building permit shall be issued pursuant to § 12-3-2 of this code of ordinances, nor shall any work be initiated under the exemption of § 12-3-2(A)(2) of this code of ordinances until this division (A) is complied with.
   (B)   Proposed demolition.
      (1)   In the case of a proposed demolition, the Advisory Committee may recommend to the City Council that a moratorium be established for the purposes of investigating the effects of and alternatives to the proposed demolition.
      (2)   For example, exterior painting is not an “architectural change”.
   (C)   Standard for review of application. In considering an application for an alteration permit, the Preservation Committee shall be guided by the following general standards based on the Secretary of Interior’s guidelines.
      (1)   Every reasonable effort shall be made to provide a compatible use for a property which requires minimal alteration of the building, structure or site and its environment, or to use a property for its originally intended purpose.
      (2)   Any work should not destroy the distinguishing qualities or character of the property and its environment. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features should be avoided when possible.
      (3)   All buildings, structures and sites should be recognized as products of their own time. Alterations to create an appearance inconsistent with the actual character of the property should be discouraged.
      (4)   Many changes to buildings and environments which have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history of the building and neighborhood. These changes may have developed significance in their own right, and this significance should be recognized and respected.
      (5)   Distinctive stylistic features or examples of skilled craftsmanship that characterize a building, structure or site shall be preserved.
      (6)   Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced wherever possible. In the event that replacement is necessary, the new material should match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and other qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architectural features should be based on accurate duplication of features, substantiated by historic physical or pictorial evidence, rather than on conjectural designs or the availability of different architectural elements from other buildings or structures.
      (7)   The surface cleaning of structures shall be undertaken with the gentlest means possible. Sandblasting and other cleaning methods that will damage the historic building materials shall not be undertaken.
      (8)   Every reasonable effort shall be made to protect and preserve archeological resources affected by, or adjacent to the project.
      (9)   Design for new construction, alterations and additions to existing properties shall not be discouraged when such design does not destroy significant historical, architectural or cultural material and when such design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material and character of the property, neighborhood or environment.
(1974 Code, § 2-8-7) (Ord. 9-85-04, passed 9-10-1985)