(A)   The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee shall review nominations for local landmark and historic district designation based on the following criteria.
   (B)   Any structure, property, or area which retains the integrity and spirit of the original design shall also fulfill at least one of the following criteria to be considered for listing as a local district or landmarks:
      (1)   The structure(s) is/are an exceptional example of an historic or vernacular style or one of the few remaining in the city;
      (2)   The structure(s) embodies elements of design, detailing, materials or craftsmanship that render it architecturally significant;
      (3)   The structure(s) is an outstanding or the only known example of work by a locally well-known architect or master builder;
      (4)   The structure(s) or site(s) has known historic significance because it is the property most closely associated with the life or activities of person or persons who significantly contributed to the development of the community;
      (5)   The structure(s) or site(s) has known historic significance because it is the property most closely associated with a notable historic event;
      (6)   The structure(s) is of a type or is associated with a use once common but now rare and/or its character as a particularly fine or unique example of utilitarian structure, including, but not limited to, farmhouses, gas stations or other commercial structures with a high level of integrity or architectural significance;
      (7)   By virtue of its location or activities held there, the structure(s) or site(s) is a current or former focal point of life in the city. (Its unique location or singular characteristics make it an established or familiar visual feature.); and/or
      (8)   The structure(s) has significant character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of the community, county or state.
(1974 Code, § 2-8-6) (Ord. 9-85-04, passed 9-10-1985)