It shall be the duty of the owners and occupants of all lots, dwelling or business houses, shops and hotels, in the city in front of which sidewalks now are or hereafter may be laid, and in front of which hitching posts now are or hereafter may be planted, to protect said sidewalks from all horses and other animals that may be hitched or fastened to said post or posts by a good and sufficient railing so fastened to said post or posts, that horses or other animals hitched thereto cannot get or stand upon said sidewalks. In case said owners and occupants shall fail or refuse so to protect said sidewalks as aforesaid required, after five days’ notice from the Superintendent of Street Department of the city, said Superintendent of Street Department shall make the necessary railing or cause the same to be done and the expense of so doing shall be added to the road tax of the owner of such lot and collected as other road taxes are collected. Nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt any person or persons from any fine imposed.
(1974 Code, § 7-1-6) (Ord. 29, passed 10-20-1866)