The Clerk of the city shall do and perform the following duties, together with such other powers and duties as are prescribed by the Mayor and Council from time to time or as set forth by city ordinance or state law.
   (A)   The City Clerk shall keep the corporate seal of the city and affix the same to all papers requiring same; he or she shall attend all meetings of the City Council and keep a full record of its proceedings in the journal, he or she shall record, in a book to be kept for that purpose, all ordinances passed by the City Council and at the foot of the record of each ordinance so recorded, he or she shall make a memorandum of the date of the passage and of the publication of such ordinance, where publication thereof is required; he or she shall cause all ordinances of the city imposing any fine, penalties, imprisonment or forfeiture, or making any appropriation, to be published within one month of its passage once in some public newspaper of general circulation in the city, to be designated by the Finance Committee, except such ordinances as may be printed in book or pamphlet form and published by the authority of the City Council.
   (B)   The City Clerk shall keep, file and safely preserve all ordinances passed by the City Council and all papers pertaining to his or her office. He or she shall prepare and deliver all licenses granted by the City Council and collect the license fees therefor; he or she shall countersign all warrants drawn upon the city treasury by authority of the Council and deliver the same when called for, to the persons entitled thereto; he or she shall inform all persons elected or appointed to office of their election or appointment within five days after the result of the election is declared or the appointment is made, and generally do and perform such other duties as may be required of him or her by law, or by direction of the Council, and the ordinances of the city.
   (C)   The City Clerk shall make and present to the Council, a semiannual report verified by affidavit of all moneys received by him or her for licenses or from any other source on behalf of the city and shall attach to said report, the Treasurer’s receipts for all such moneys, showing payment thereof to the City Treasurer.
   (D)   The City Clerk shall be appointed City Collector and shall perform the duties of Collector for the city. The City Clerk will receive compensation for these duties from the O&M Water and Sewer Fund and from the General Fund, the salary to be stated in the appropriation ordinance each year.
(1974 Code, § 1-7-2) (Ord. 274, passed 3-18-1925; Ord. 583, passed 9-28-1976)