The Village Board shall take into account flood hazards, to the extent that they are known, in all official actions related to land management use and development.
   (A)   Data required. New subdivisions, manufactured home parks, annexation agreements, planned unit developments, and additions to manufactured home parks and subdivisions shall meet the damage prevention and building protection standards of §§ 152.06 and 152.07. Any proposal for such development shall include the following data:
      (1)   The base flood elevation and the boundary of the floodplain (where the base flood elevation is not available from an existing study, the applicant shall be responsible for calculating the base flood elevation);
      (2)   The boundary of the floodway when available; and
      (3)   A signed statement by a registered professional engineer that the proposed plat or plan accounts for changes in the drainage of surface waters in accordance with the Plat Act, being 765 ILCS 205.
   (B)   Health standards. Public health standards must be met for all floodplain development. In addition to the requirements of §§ 152.06 and 152.07, the following standards apply.
      (1)   No development in the floodplain shall include locating or storing chemicals, explosives, buoyant materials, flammable liquids, pollutants or other hazardous or toxic materials below the flood protection elevation unless such materials are stored in a storage tank or floodproofed building constructed according to the requirements of § 152.07.
      (2)   New and replacement sanitary sewer lines and on-site waste disposal systems may be permitted providing all manholes or other above ground openings located below the flood protection elevation are water-tight.
   (C)   Other activities. All other activities defined as development shall be designed so as not to alter flood flows or increase potential flood damages.
   (D)   Minimum standards.
      (1)   This section sets minimum subdivision design review and recording standards when subdivisions are located within a floodplain. It also provides guidance for other activities defined as “development” which may occur in a floodplain (see NFIP requirement: 44 C.F.R. § 60.2(c)).
      (2)   NFIP requirement: 44 C.F.R. § 60.3(b)(3) only applies to subdivisions greater than five acres or 50 lots.
      (3)   All new plats recorded must show the location of any floodplains and must be signed, sealed and certified by a professional land surveyor as per the requirements of Public Act 85-267.
(1999 Code, § 14-1-8) (Ord. 8/8/2000-1, passed 8-8-2000)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see 765 ILCS 205/2