§ 151.171 MEANS OF EGRESS.
   (A)   General. A safe, continuous and unobstructed means of egress shall be provided from the interior of a structure to the exterior at a street, or to a yard, court, or passageway leading to a public open area at grade.
   (B)   Direct exit. Every dwelling unit shall have access directly to the outside or to an exit access corridor that leads directly to the outside.
   (C)   Locked doors. All doors located in the required means of egress shall be readily operable from the inner side without the use of keys. Exits from multiple-family dwelling units, hotel units, lodging houses and dormitory units shall not lead through other such units, or through toilet room or rooms. “Dead-bolt” locks are allowable provided the key is in place at all times and the structure is occupied.
   (D)   Fire escapes. All required fire escapes shall be maintained in working condition and structurally sound.
   (E)   Dual egress. Every residential building exceeding one story in height above grade, not including basements, shall be provided with not less than two approved independent exits from each floor above the first floor, fully accessible to each occupant on the floor or provide safety ladders for each bedroom above the first floor.
(1999 Code, § 29-11-2)