§ 111.163 FEES.
   (A)   The fee for an initial license shall be $75 and the fee for a renewal of a license shall be $75. Each license issued hereunder shall be valid for one year and must be renewed each year thereafter in order to remain valid.
   (B)   Upon application being prepared and executed by the applicant, it shall be submitted to the Village Clerk who shall refer the same to the County Health Officer, the Zoning Administrator and the Fire Chief for their inspections and recommendations. The village may withhold action on the application for 30 days for the inspection of the proposed bed and breakfast establishment premises before taking action thereon. No license shall be issued or renewed without a recommendation to do so by the Health Officer, Zoning Administrator and Fire Chief.
   (C)   Every licensee shall cause his or her license to be displayed in plain view and in a conspicuous place on the first floor of licensed premises.
(1999 Code, § 7-6-9) (Ord. 90-109, passed 10-8-1990)