Any license issued under this chapter shall be for a single and particular location. Upon application being filed with the Village Clerk for a change of location, the Local Liquor Control Commissioner may allow the location authorized by the particular license to be changed. The form of application shall be substantially similar to that required of an original applicant for license. After investigation, the change of location may be approved or rejected, as in the case of original license applications; and, if approved, the authorized change of location shall be shown by endorsement upon the face of the existing license. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to permit any licensee to change the locations of its business to, or operate its business, or a portion thereof, as a sub-tenant or otherwise at a location which, under this chapter, would be prohibited or denied to an original applicant.
(1999 Code, § 21-3-14) (Ord. 03/31/2014, passed 3-31-2014)