The Mayor may, in emergencies or on special occasions when in his or her judgment it shall be necessary for the preservation of the peace and order of the village, appoint and commission such number of temporary patrol officers as he or she may deem necessary. Said temporary patrol officers shall be dismissed as soon as the exigency of their appointment shall no longer exist. During the term of their appointment, said temporary patrol officers shall possess the powers and exercise the duties of the regular patrol officers and shall receive the same compensation. However, at the next regular meeting of the Village Board after the appointment of a temporary patrol officer, the Mayor shall lay before the Village Board the names and number of temporary patrol officers so appointed and the cause therefor, and if the acts of the Mayor in making said appointments are not approved and confirmed, said temporary patrol officers shall be considered and held to be at once dismissed and discharged.
(1999 Code, § 30-2-27) (Ord. 92-114, passed 8-10-1992)