Any officer or member of the Department who violates or attempts to violate any law of the United States or the state, or any ordinance of the village, or any rule, regulation, policy or procedure of the Police Department, or any general or special order, whether written or oral, of the Chief of Police or Mayor, or who is in any way incompetent to perform the duties of this office, shall be subject to disciplinary action. Primary disciplinary authority and responsibility within the Department shall rest with the Chief of Police, who is authorized to issue oral reprimands, written reprimands and suspensions up to 30 days without pay. All disciplinary action taken by the Chief of Police is subject to review by the Police Commissioner. Dismissal from service may be recommended by the Chief of Police, but shall be imposed by the Mayor. Any disciplinary action against the Chief of Police shall be imposed by the Police Committee.
(1999 Code, § 30-2-6) (Ord. 92-114, passed 8-10-1992)