(A)   Preliminary Plat. A preliminary plat shall be provided by the subdivider and consist of the following:
      (1)   Location map (which may be prepared by indicating the following data on available maps) showing:
         (a)   Boundary line of the proposed subdivision indicated by a solid, heavy line and the total approximate acreage involved.
         (b)   Subdivision name and location, legal description, specifying U.S. Survey and Township Lines, County and State.
         (c)   Any and all thoroughfares related to the subdivision.
         (d)   Existing elementary and secondary schools, parks and playgrounds available for serving the area proposed to be subdivided, and other community features.
         (e)   Title, scale, north arrow and date.
      (2)   Preliminary Plat showing:
         (a)   Proposed name of the subdivision and location.
         (b)   Names, addresses of the owner, subdivider, the City Planner, land planning consultant, Engineer, or registered land surveyor who prepared the plat.
         (c)   Streets and rights-of-way on and adjoining the site of the proposed subdivision; showing the names, including roadway widths, approximate gradients, types of widths of pavement, curbs, sidewalks, planting strips and other pertinent data.
         (d)   All lot lines adjacent to and abutting the subdivision.
         (e)   Layout of lots, showing approximate dimensions and numbers.
         (f)   Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds or other public, semi-public or community purposes.
         (g)   Easements, existing and proposed, showing locations, widths, and purposes.
         (h)   Building setback or front yard lines and dimensions.
         (i)   Location, size of nearest water main, sewer outlet and other pertinent utilities.
         (j)   Location, type and approximate size of utilities to be installed.
         (k)   Tract boundary lines showing dimensions, bearings, angles and references to known land lines.
         (l)   Contours at vertical intervals of two (2) feet, except where the slope exceeds 50%; elevations at top and bottom of slopes should be indicated.
         (m)   Tree masses and all individual trees having a caliper of 12” or greater; Key plan, legend and notes.
         (n)   Location of existing structures.
         (o)   A preliminary outline of the deed restrictions and covenants that would be placed upon the subdivision.
         (p)   Landscaping plans and proposed limits on the location and intensity of signs, advertising and off-street parking shall be included in the case of a proposed subdivision for industrial or commercial use.
         (q)   Scale, North arrow and date.
      (3)   The Preliminary Plat of the Subdivision shall be drawn to a scale of fifty feet to one (1) inch or one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch, provided, however, that if the resulting drawing would be over thirty-six inches (36”) in the shortest dimensions, such other scale as recommended by the Commission may be used.
   (B)   Final Plat. The Final Plat shall be provided by the subdivider and meet the following specifications:
      (1)   The Final Plat may include all or only a part of any Preliminary Plat which has received approval.
      (2)   The original drawing of the Final Plat shall be drawn on new linen, tracing cloth, or equal, with waterproof black India Ink to a scale of fifty feet to one inch, provided that, if the resulting drawing would be greater than thirty-six inches (36”) in the shortest dimension, a scale of up to one hundred feet (100’) to one inch (1”) may be used. Four black or blue line prints shall be submitted with the original Final Plat; or, in order to conform to modern drafting and reproduction methods, four black; or, blue lines and a reproducible cloth of film positive of the Final Plat shall be submitted. Prints filed with the City shall include four cloth prints made after recording of the Final Plat as approved and bearing the official stamp attesting the fact of the recording.
      (3)   All elevations shall be referenced to the established datum and the said reference shall be clearly stated on any plans or drawings showing such datum.
      (4)   All dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of a foot.
      (5)   The title shall be placed in the lower right corner and a suitable border line shall be placed on all tracings with a margin of not less than one-half inch (1/2) on all sides.
      (6)   The following basic information shall be shown; all surveys for a final plat shall be made under the active and personal direction of a registered professional engineer or registered surveyor of Illinois:
         (a)   Accurate boundary lines, with dimensions and bearings or angles which provide a survey of the tract, closing with an error of closure of not more than one foot in five thousand feet.
         (b)   Accurate distances and directions to the nearest established street corner or official monuments. Reference corners shall be accurately described on the Final Plat.
         (c)   Accurate locations of all existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract, shown by heavy, solid lines.
         (d)   Accurate metes and bounds description of the boundary and the included area to the nearest one hundredth of an acre.
         (e)   Right-of-way line of streets, easements and other rights-of-way, and property lines of lots and other tracts, with accurate dimensions, bearings and curve data, including radii, arcs and chords, points of tangency, and central angles.
         (f)   Name and right-of-way width for each street or other right-of-way.
         (g)   Location, dimensions and purposes of any easement, shown by light, dashed lines.
         (h)   Number to identify each lot or site.
         (i)   Purpose for which sites, other than residential lots, are dedicated or reserved.
         (j)   Building setback or front yard lines and dimensions.
         (k)   Floor elevation and sitting of each proposed building.
         (l)   Location, type, material and size of all monuments and lot makers, including elevations related to mean sea level as established by the U.S. Geological Survey.
         (m)   Names of owners and mortgages accepting said plat, with owner or owners personally signing all plans or drawings.
         (n)   Names of record owners of adjoining unplatted land, shown by medium dashed and two dotted lines.
         (o)   Reference to recorded subdivision plats of adjoining platted land by record name, date and number, shown by medium dashed and two dotted lines.
         (p)   Restrictions of all types which will run with the land and become covenants in the deeds for lots. Restriction lines should be shown by medium dashed lines.
         (q)   Title, north arrow, scale and date.
         (r)   Certification by registered surveyor or registered professional engineer with registration numbers and seal affixed to all documents of the Final Plat.
         (s)   Certification by the registered surveyor or registered professional engineer stating that all lots conform to the requirements of the Zoning District in which it is located.
         (t)   Certification by the registered surveyor or registered professional engineer to the absence of, or presence, location and depth of mine openings, subsurface mine workings.
         (u)   Certificate of dedication of all public areas.
         (v)   Certificate for approval by the Plan Commission.
         (w)   Certificate for approval by the City Council.
   (C)   Improvement Plans and Specifications.
      (1)   The final Plat submission to City Council shall be accompanied by the plans and specifications for the improvements required under § 159.07. The plans and profiles of all streets, storm and sanitary sewers, water lines and drainage structures, together with their drainage area, shall be prepared on standard plan and profile sheets and shall bear the seal and signature of the registered professional engineer responsible for their preparation.
      (2)   A cross-section of the proposed streets shall be included, showing the widths of roadways, location and width of sidewalks and the location of underground utilities. The plans shall show the lines of all proposed sidewalks and the location of all proposed street lights. The plans, cross sections and specifications for the proposed improvements shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to submission to the City Council with the Final Plat.
      (3)   Four black or blue line prints of the approved documents shall be included with the Final Plat submission. After the completion of the construction of the improvements, a set of prints showing the as-built details and changes, if any, shall be filed with the City Engineer.
   (D)   Performance Guarantees.
      (1)   A Performance Guarantee Bond, or other guarantee as hereinafter described, shall be required from the subdivider in the amount of the estimate approved by the City Engineer for the cost of all required land improvements yet remaining to be installed. The guarantee shall be in one of the following described forms:
         (a)   Deposit with the City a subdivider’s bond in the amount of one and one-half times the estimated cost of the improvements remaining to be completed.
         (b)   Deposit with the City cash in the amount of one and one-half times the estimated costs of the land improvements remaining to be completed.
         (c)   Deposit with the City a lien to be recorded in the County Recorder’s Office on all property being subdivided, with. the provision that partial releases may be obtained when a financial institution executes with the City an agreement to withhold one and one-half times the estimated cost of the land improvements yet remaining to be installed, in escrow, until such time as all land improvements have been completed and accepted by the City. All expenses incurred in determining the amounts apportioned against said land and the cost of releasing each lot or tract shall be paid by the subdivider.
         (d)   Deposit with the City other collateral equivalent to one and one-half times the estimated cost of land improvements yet remaining to be installed, such collateral to be approved by the City Council.
      (2)   All required land improvements shall be installed and completed within a period of two years after the recording of the final plat. Failure of the subdivider to complete all of the improvements during such two year period shall result in forfeiture of the guarantee unless an extension of time is granted by the City Council. In the event of failure to complete improvements in the required time, the City may direct that no further building permits be issued for property in the subdivision until required land improvements are provided.
(Prior Code, Art. 17, § 17.5)