(A)   (1)   Unless otherwise provided by ordinance or by other action of the City Council, use of Lake Miller shall be restricted to and is permitted only by lessee’s of marginal land and by owners of real estate immediately adjacent to the waterline of the reservoir or by members of the Mt. Vernon Gun and Sportsmen’s Club, Inc., a current licensee of Lake Miller as of the date of adoption of this ordinance; this provision shall supersede any provision within a lease for marginal lands requiring membership in the Mt. Vernon Gun and Sportsmen’s Club, Inc. Use of Lake Miller shall be restricted to fishing and boating. Any lessee or owner herein described who places or operates a boat or craft upon the reservoir and who is not a member of the Sportsmen’s Club shall have an official City sticker affixed to his water craft and any lessee or owner fishing Lake Miller without a boat or craft shall not be required to acquire an official City sticker but shall have satisfactory proof of an existing lease with the City or of current ownership of the land from which he is fishing. No guest of any lessee or owner or of any Sportsmens Club member shall place any boat upon the reservoir except a boat having the required City sticker or Sportsmens Club membership number as set forth herein, except nothing herein shall prohibit a guest or family member of a lessee or owner or an authorized guest of the Sportsmens Club from using the properly licensed (sticker) boat of said lessee or owner or properly identified boat of a Sportsmens Club member. All members of the Sportsmens or guests of same engaged in fishing or boating upon Lake Miller shall have in his or her possession a current annual membership card or a membership guest card in the Mt. Vernon Gun and Sportsmens Club, Inc., which membership or guest card shall be promptly produced upon request by an authorized representative of the Mt. Vernon Gun and Sportsmen’s Club, Inc. or upon the request of any representative of the City and each member shall also have his Sportsmen’s Club membership number affixed and clearly visible upon his boat or motor. In the event any person shall not display the required City sticker or shall not promptly produce the required membership card then either Mt. Vernon Gun and Sportsmen’s Club, Inc. or City may demand said person to immediately cease using the Lake. Upon failure of the person to cease using Lake Miller, said person shall be in violation of this ordinance and shall be guilty of a criminal trespass. In the event Mt. Vernon Gun and Sportsmen’s Club, Inc. shall cease holding a license for the Lake then use of Lake Miller shall be as provided by resolution or ordinance of the City Council.
      (2)   Any lessee of marginal land or owner of real estate immediately adjacent to the waterline of the reservoir desiring to place a boat or craft upon Lake Miller but who does not desire to obtain membership in the Mt. Vernon Gun and Sportsmen’s Club, Inc. shall obtain a license from the City based upon a written application setting forth the length of each boat or craft, the means of locomotion of each boat or craft, and such further information that the City from time to time may require; upon request each applicant shall provide a copy of the certificate of title for the boat or water craft evidencing that said boat or water craft is titled in the name of the applicant. Such license granted shall be in writing and may be further evidenced by an official sticker or marker to be yearly furnished by the City to a licensee and such sticker or marker shall be placed on the outside upper right-hand corner of the rear transom, and such license shall be exhibited upon request to any agent of the City. Such license shall be effective from May 1 of the year issued through and including April 30 of the next ensuing year and shall be annually renewed by filing a like application before said motor craft may be lawfully propelled, kept or used in the reservoir. Each application or renewal must be accompanied by the payment of an annual license fee as follows:
(a) Boat or craft propelled by oars, sails, or electric trolling motor
(b) Boat or craft propelled by internal combustion engine
   (B)   On May 1 of each year the Sportsmen’s Club or other licensee of the Lake shall file with the City Clerk a list containing the names, current addresses, and membership number for each member of the Sportsmen’s Club (licensee) and a list of the names, addresses and each officer, director or employee of the Sportsmen’s Club (licensee).
   (C)   Swimming, skin diving, bathing, wading, skiing or any similar water activity in the reservoir is prohibited, except in such areas and at such times as shall be determined from time to time by resolution of the City Council.
   (D)   No person shall place, use, or operate upon Lake Miller any boat or water craft with a motor having horsepower of 10-horsepower or more. Failure to strictly comply with this provision shall result in a fine of not less than $100.00 per violation and shall subject the violator to an injunction which prohibits the violator from using the Lake for a period of 12-months from date of imposition of the fine.
   (E)   No person shall fish from the banks or shoreline adjacent to Lake Miller except for lessees or custodians and their guests fishing from property subject to the lease or license of such lessee or custodian.
   (F)   No person shall park upon any private or public road or upon any marginal land to fish or otherwise use the reservoir, except that a lessee of marginal land and guests of same may park upon the premises subject of the lessee’s lease.
   (G)   No person shall fish from the dam nor the spillway nor from any boat launching ramp nor from any bridge situated upon or adjacent to the reservoir.
   (H)   No person shall ride, park or use any motor vehicle, three wheeler, 4-wheeler, motorcycle, dirt bike, motor bike, off-road vehicle, snowmobile, or vehicle of any type (except mowing and maintenance equipment operated by City personnel or persons authorized by resolution of the City Council) upon the dam, the dam’s face, the dam’s toe, the spillway or within 200 feet of any part of the dam or the spillway nor upon any marginal land except marginal land leased to King City Dirt Riders by resolution of the City Council.
   (I)   No person (including any lessee of marginal land or owner of real estate adjacent to the shoreline) shall construct any boat ramp or boat access nor permit any access to the public or access to any person not authorized to use the reservoir, except such boat ramp or access as may be authorized in writing by the City Council, provided, however, that nothing herein shall prohibit a lessee of marginal land or an owner of real estate adjacent to the shoreline from having, placing, maintaining, or constructing a private boat access solely for the personal use by said lessee or owner.
(Prior Code, Art. 33, § 33d)