(A)   (1)   All facilities including without limitation the trailer parking lot, boat ramp, and land used and adjacent to the boat launching area, and the pavilion and picnic area on the south and east sides of Lake Jaycee and all marginal land not subject to a lease, shall be closed and the use thereof prohibited after 10:00 o’clock p.m. or prior to 5:00 a.m. of each day; and it shall be unlawful for any person to go upon or use any of such facilities or land after 10:00 o’clock p.m. or prior to 5:00 a.m. each day.
      (2)   Lessees of marginal land adjacent to the reservoir may use the reservoir for any permitted use during each hour of any day.
   (B)   Swimming, skin diving, bathing, wading, or any similar water activity (except skiing) in the reservoir is prohibited, except in such areas and at such times as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the City Council.
   (C)   (1)   Water skiing shall be permitted upon Jaycee Lake reservoir unless otherwise prohibited by the City Council by resolution or ordinance. Each boat towing any person or persons on water skis, aquaplane, or any other object shall have a minimum of two persons aboard and one of said persons shall act as an observer at all times.
      (2)   Water craft engaged in skiing shall travel in a clockwise direction when towing a skier. No person shall ski nor shall any person operate a boat having a skier in tow, except during the hours from sunrise to sunset. Skiing shall mean use of any water ski, aquaplane, or other similar object or contrivance intended, constructed or actually used in tow behind any boat.
   (D)   No person shall enter or remain at the boat launching ramp or at the trailer parking lot adjacent thereto or within fifty-feet of the boat launching ramp or trailer parking lot except for the purpose of and during the launching or trailering of a boat. No person shall fish within fifty-feet of any part of the boat launching ramp.
   (E)   No person shall place any fishing jug or similar device upon Jaycee Lake nor shall any person place any trot line, throw line, or similar device upon Jaycee Lake, except within a cove designated as a no wake area.
   (F)   (1)   No person shall place or operate a boat or water craft of any kind upon Jaycee Lake unless said person has secured and shall have in his or her possession a license as hereinafter provided.
      (2)   (a)   No boat or craft of any kind may be propelled, kept or used on Jaycee Lake reservoir until the owner thereof shall have secured a written license from the City based upon a written application, setting forth the length of such boat or craft, its means of locomotion, and if propelled by an internal combustion motor engine, the piston displacement thereof, the maximum number of passengers said boat or craft may safely carry, its contemplated use, and other and further information as the City may from time to time require.
         (b)   Such license when granted shall be in writing and may be further evidenced by an official number sticker or marker to be yearly furnished by the City to the licensee and such sticker or marker shall be placed on the outside upper right hand corner of the rear transom, and such license shall be exhibited on request to any agent of the City. In addition, a second sticker or marker shall be furnished by the City and affixed to the trailer for said boat.
      (3)   Such license shall be effective from May 1 of the year of issue through and including April 30 of the next ensuing year and may be annually renewed by filing a like application before said boat or craft may be lawfully propelled, kept, or used in the reservoir. Each application or renewal must be accompanied by the payment of an annual license fee as follows:
(a) Boat or craft propelled by oars, or sail or electric trolling motor
(b) Boat or craft propelled by internal combustion engine owned by any resident of Jefferson County, Illinois or any person who is a Lessee of marginal land
(c) Boat or craft propelled by internal combustion engine owned by a non-resident of Jefferson County, Illinois and non-lessee of marginal land from City or operated for testing by a boat retailer, boat dealer, boat mechanic or other commercial entity
      (4)   (a)   All applications for permit shall state the kind and type of public liability insurance carried by the applicant, the name of his insurer and limits of coverage. No permit shall be issued hereunder unless the applicant shall present to the City Clerk proof of public liability insurance coverage in an approved company and in an amount not less than $300,000 per person and per occurrence or in such other amounts as shall be determined by the City Manager, in his discretion.
         (b)   The within provisions requiring a license shall also specifically apply to boat retailers, boat dealers, boat mechanics, and other persons operating a boat or craft upon the reservoir for test driving, provided the license sticker for the boat shall be in the possession of the boat operator and the license sticker for the trailer shall be displayed within the motor vehicle pulling the boat trailer in the front window on the driver’s side. No testing shall occur except on Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
   (G)   Mountain Bike Park:
      (1)   The riding of mountain bikes and other non-motorized bicycles shall be permitted within the area designated within Ordinance 2017-9 as a Mountain Bike Park at such locations as may be designated by the City Manager within said Mountain Bike Park; picnic activities shall also be permitted within said Mountain Bike Park at such locations as designated by the City Manager.
      (2)   The Mountain Bike Park and bicycle trails within the Park shall be subject to regulations as provided within this Chapter 93 (formerly Article 33) of the Revised Code of Ordinances. In addition, the Mountain Bike Park and trails shall be subject to the following regulations:
         (a)   No person shall possess or consume any alcoholic beverage within the Mountain Bike Park, including without limitation, upon any bike trail or at any picnic or parking area of said Park.
         (b)   No person shall operate any motorized bike or motorized vehicle upon a bike trail or upon any property within the Park (except authorized maintenance equipment or a wheel chair or similar device which is operated solely to accommodate a physically impaired person) except within areas designed for such use (such as parking).
         (c)   No person shall ride or operate any mountain bike or bicycle within the Park except at the specific locations designated as a mountain bike trail or designated for vehicle use.
         (d)   No person shall ride or operate a mountain bike or other bicycle upon a bike trail unless wearing a safety helmet manufactured for such purposes.
         (e)   No person shall ride upon a mountain bike trail if said trail is covered, in whole or in part, by snow nor during wet conditions where use of the mountain bike trail creates an indention from use of a bike upon the trail of one quarter inch or greater.
         (f)   The Mountain Bike Park and trails shall be open for use only during the period from sunrise to sunset each day, except as may be permitted in writing by the City Manager or Park Director; and it shall be unlawful for any person to go upon or to use the Park or any trail during any period of time after sunset or prior to sunrise, except by written permission as described above.
         (g)   The City Manager is authorized to erect signs identifying the bike trails and regulating their use; and the City Manager is also authorized to establish additional regulations as may be needed for the safe and efficient operation and use of the Park. Such regulations shall be posted at conspicuous places within or adjacent to or near the Park or bike trails.
   (H)   Any person who shall violate this Ordinance or other applicable Ordinance of the City or any regulation posted upon an authorized sign shall be subject to such penalties as provided within the Revised Code of Ordinances; in addition, such person shall be subject to injunctive relief prohibiting use of the Park and trails by such person.
(Prior Code, Art. 33, § 33c)