(A) The following list constitutes the official tree species for Mt. Vernon, Illinois. No species other than those included in this list may be planted as Street or Park Trees without written permission of the City Tree Board. Only desirable trees of good appearance, beauty, and adaptability that are generally free from injurious insects, diseases, or other limitations may be planted. The overall objective of proper tree selection is to select the right tree for the right location in order to benefit from trees without being subject to future maintenance liability or hazards.
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Acer ginnala | Amur Maple (tree form) |
Acer griseum | Paperbark Maple |
Acer Palmatum | Japanese Maple |
Acer Pennsylvanicum | Striped Maple |
Amalanchier canadensis | Shadblow Serviceberry (tree form) |
Amalanchier grandiflora | Apple Serviceberry (tree form) |
Amalanchier Laevis | Allegany Serviceberry (tree form) |
Cercidiphyllum japonicum | Katsura Tree |
Cornus alternifolia | Pagoda Dogwood |
Cornus florida | Flowering Dogwood |
Cornus kousa | Japanese Dogwood |
Crataegus sp. | Hawthorn (Thornless) |
Euonymus sp. | Wahoos |
Halesia carolina | Carolina Silverbell |
Koelrevteria paniculata | Goldenrain Tree |
Malus sp. | Flowering Crab |
Ostrya virginiana | Ironwood |
Rhus typhina | Staghorn Sumac |
(B) Small Trees are appropriate in street locations where due to space limitations larger trees cannot be properly utilized without creating space conflicts with existing trees. Height limitations imposed by overhead utilities also necessitate the use of appropriate Small Trees in order to avoid line conflicts and the necessity of excessive utility trimming that results in disfigured trees. On the whole, Small Trees tend to be more ornamental than their larger counterparts and can create an added aesthetic dimension to the streetscape.
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Alnus glutinosa | Black Alder |
Betula nigra | River Birch |
Carpinus betulus | European Hornbeam |
Cercidiphyllum japonicum | Katsuratree |
Cladrastic lutea | Yellowwood |
Eucommia ulmoides | Hardy Rubber Tree |
Juniperus virginiana | Juniper-Eastern Red Cedar |
Magnolia kobus | Kobus Magnolia |
Phellodendron amurense | Amur Cork Tree |
Picea pungens | Blue Spruce |
Prunus sargentii | Sargent Cherry |
Pyrus calleryana | Callery Pear |
Sassafras albidum | Sassafras |
Sophora japonica | Pagoda tree |
Zelkova serrata | Zelkova Tree |
(C) Medium-sized trees are generally better suited for planting as Street Trees rather than their larger counterparts.
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Acer saccharum | Sugar Maple |
Acer rubrum | Red Maple |
Alnus incana | Tag Alder |
Cary illinoensis | Wild Pecan |
Celtis occidentalis | Hackberry |
Celtis laevigata | Sugar Hackberry |
Fagus grandifolia | American Beech |
Fagus sylvatica | European Beech |
Fraxinus americana | White Ash |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica | Green Ash |
Ginkgo biloba | Ginkgo (male) |
Gymnocladus dioicus | Kentucky Coffee (male) |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Tulip Tree |
Magnolia acuminata | Cucumber Tree |
Nyssa sylvatica | Blackgum |
Picea abies | Norway Spruce |
Picea engelmanii | Engleman Spruce |
Pinus echinata | Shortleaf Pine |
Pinus strobus | White Pine |
Prunus serotina | Black Cherry |
Quercus acutissima | Sawtooth Oak |
Quercus alba | White Oak |
Quercus bicolor | Swamp White Oak |
Quercus coccinea | Scarlet Oak |
Quercus imbricaria | Shingle Oak |
Quercus macrocarpa | Bur Oak |
Quercus muehlenbergii | Chinquapin Oak |
Quercus pagodafolia | Cherrybark Oak |
Quercus phellos | Willow Oak |
Quercus robus | English Oak |
Quercus rubra | Red Oak |
Quercus shumardii | Shumard Oak |
Taxodium distichum | Bald Cypress |
Tilia americana | Basswood |
Tilia cordata | Littleleaf Linden |
Tilia euchlora | Crimean Linden |
Tilia heterophylla | Beetree Linden |
Tilia platyphyllos | Bigleaf Linden |
Tilia petiolaris | Pendent Silver Linden |
Tilia tomentosa | Silver Linden |
(D) Large Trees require more living space, and for this reason it is recommended they be planted on the private side of the sidewalks whenever possible.
(Prior Code, Art. 25, § 2)