(A)   All car washes, truck washes, garages, service stations, automobile dealerships, other similar businesses that have any type of automotive or equipment washing facilities, and other users who are a source of sand, soil and oil shall install effective sand, soil and oil interceptors. SAND INTERCEPTOR shall mean a concrete or other approved structure installed outside a building designed to collect sand, grit or other inorganic particles prior to admission to the sanitary sewer. Such interceptors shall be sized to effectively remove sand, soil and oil at the expected flow rates. These interceptors shall be cleaned on a regular basis to prevent impact upon the wastewater collection and treatment system of the City. Any owner or operator whose interceptor is deemed to be ineffective shall be required to change the cleaning frequency or to increase the size of the interceptor. Owners or operators of washing facilities shall have an affirmative duty to prevent the inflow of rainwater into the sanitary sewers.
   (B)   In all motor vehicles wash racks drainage shall discharge into watertight catch basin at least 36” in diameter or 3’ x 2-1/2” rectangular shape. The bottom shall be not less than 27” below the invert of the outlet pipe. The outlet pipe shall be trapped with a catch basin trap and shall be of cast iron or schedule 40 PVC with a seal of at least 6” and a clean out of least 4”.
   (C)   Any user occupying and utilizing an existing structure having an operative sand, soil and oil interceptor which met all applicable laws and standards at time of installation and which effectively collects sand, grit, oil, and other inorganic particles so as to prevent entry of same into the sanitary sewer may, upon request to and approval of the City Building Inspector, continue to use said existing interceptor until such approval shall be revoked for cause, including but not limited to inadequate maintenance, failure to maintain or clean, disrepair, change of standards, discharge of sand, soil or oil into the sanitary sewer, inadequate capacity, or blockage within the sewer line or main.
   (D)   A maintenance record shall be maintained by the user indicating maintenance and cleaning of the sand, soil and oil interceptor. The record shall indicate each date and time of inspection and/or cleaning; each day and time of cleaning or maintenance; name of person performing cleaning or maintenance; name of person witnessing cleaning or maintenance; estimated volume of sand, soil, oil, and other materials removed; method of disposal of the sand, soil, oil, and other materials removed, and verification signed by the owner and manager of the user. The maintenance records shall be filed with the City Inspection Department on a regular and recurring basis not less often than quarterly; maintenance records shall be maintained for a 3-year period and shall be available for inspection by the City. The City Building Inspection or his authorized designee shall have such right of entry and inspection as may be necessary for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, and testing to determine compliance with this ordinance.
(Prior Code, Art. 16A, § III)