The City Council, in its proceedings, shall be governed by the following rules:
   (A)   First: The Mayor, as presiding officer of the Council (or, in his absence, a temporary chairman selected by the Council) shall call the Council to order promptly at the time fixed for the meeting, and on the appearance of a quorum, shall cause the journal of the previous meeting to be read.
   (B)   Second: The presiding officer shall in addition:
      (1)   Announce the business before the Council in the order appearing on the agenda.
      (2)   Recognize members entitled to the floor.
      (3)   Put to a vote all questions regularly moved or which necessarily arise in the course of the proceedings and announce the result of the vote.
      (4)   Conduct the meetings in an orderly manner so as to expedite the efficient and responsible processing of municipal affairs.
   (C)   Third: All questions relative to the priority of business shall be decided by the Council without debate subject, however, to the provisions of this ordinance.
   (D)   Fourth: Every member present, when a question is put, shall vote, unless excused for cause by the Council; provided, however, that no member shall vote upon a question in which he shall have a personal interest.
   (E)   Fifth: Every motion or proposition shall, if requested by any member, be reduced to writing before a vote be taken.
   (F)   Sixth: A member desiring to address the Council shall rise and say “Mr. Mayor”, or “Mr. Chairman”, and, on being recognized, shall speak no longer than ten minutes at any one time, nor more than once on the same question, except by leave of the Council.
   (G)   Seventh: A motion to adjourn shall always be in order except when the Council is actually engaged in voting, and as well as the motion to table, shall be decided without debate.
   (H)   Eighth: All motions, resolutions, petitions, orders, and communications, and any ordinance relating to matters referred from or subject to a recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission or the TIF Advisory Committee may be acted upon by the Council at the meeting at which first presented or received, but no ordinance, except the ordinances specifically identified above, shall be voted upon at the meeting at which it is first presented unless the rules shall first be suspended. All resolutions and ordinances presented to the Council in writing need not be read verbatim unless any member of the Council shall so request; otherwise any such resolution or ordinance may be introduced by title only.
   (I)   Ninth: No vote of the City Council shall be reconsidered or rescinded at a special meeting unless there be present as large a number of Councilmen as were present when such a vote was taken.
   (J)   Tenth: A motion to reconsider may be made by any member of the City Council.
   (K)   Eleventh: These rules may be temporarily suspended by a vote of three fifths (3/5) of the elected Councilmen, but shall not be repealed, altered, or amended except by concurrence of four fifths (4/5) of all Councilmen elected.
   (L)   Twelfth: The rules of parliamentary practice comprised in “Roberts’ Rules of Order” shall govern in all cases where applicable and where they do not conflict with the rules and ordinances of this City or the laws of the State of Illinois.
   (M)   Thirteenth: Upon a consistent or willful violation of these rules, a member may be expelled from the meeting by a majority of all the members of the Council.
   (N)   Fourteenth: In order to secure the right and opportunity of each citizen of the City of Mt. Vernon to address the City Council and to guarantee order at all public meetings of the City of Mt. Vernon rules for public participation during public meetings of the City of Mt. Vernon are hereby established.
(Prior Code, Art. 1, § 1.3(k))