(A)   In addition to the requirements of Section F-307.0 of the International Fire Code, the following provisions shall also apply:
No person shall kindle or maintain any bonfire or rubbish fire or other open burning fire or authorize any such fire to be kindled or maintained within the limits of the City of Mt. Vernon:
      1.   Except as provided in Section 13.8 of the Revised Code of Ordinances.
      2.   Except in an incinerator constructed pursuant to specifications which hereinafter follow.
Any person who shall violate the provisions of the Section shall be subject to the penalties provided in Chapter 10 of the Revised Code of Ordinances of the City of Mt. Vernon. In addition, any person who shall violate the provisions of this Section shall be liable for and shall reimburse the City for all costs and expenses incurred by the City, including without limitation any labor expenses, man hour costs, machinery and equipment costs, and any material costs, incurred by the Mt. Vernon Fire Department, associated with or relating to responding to the violation and/or fire or the containment of said fire, and all reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs incurred by the City in the collection of said costs and expenses.
   (B)   Incinerators shall be subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   The incinerator shall be built with primary and secondary combustion chambers. It shall include a down pass and/or other means of creating turbulence for the gases of combustion to assure thorough mixing of gases of the products of combustion prior to their entering the secondary combustion chamber. Total heat release in the entire incinerator, excluding ash pit, shall not be more than 24,000 B.T.U.’s per cubic foot per hour.
      (2)   The secondary combustion chamber shall be designed so that the gas velocity at some point in this chamber shall not exceed nine feet per second at 1400°F. The length of this gas travel shall be a distance not less than the cross sectional area of that part of the passage in which that velocity is attained.
      (3)   Charging doors for the incinerator shall be substantial in design and weight, made of heavy, high-grade cast iron accurately hinged having straps for anchoring securely into masonry, or as otherwise acceptable, and with ample free air openings for aeration and secondary air.
      (4)   Cleanout and ash doors in hot areas shall be cast iron of sufficient weight to avoid warping. Under-grate ash doors shall be steel or cast iron of sufficient size to facilitate cleaning.
      (5)   Grates shall be of heavy duty cast iron construction dumping type, all grate support members shall be such that the grates are supported independent of the refractory walls. The free air opening shall be at least 40%.
      (6)   Exterior construction may be of common brick, sheet steel, or cast iron. Interior construction shall have linings of first quality high heat duty refractory (cone-31) with thickness in accordance with rated capacity of incinerator. The incinerator roof is to be constructed of an acceptable thickness high heat duty refractory supported by steel members bearing independently of inner walls.
      (7)   Spark arrester shall be installed on top of stack made of high temperature aluminum alloy or vitrified fire clay or cast iron or conical design.
      (8)   Capacity - Incinerator shall be a Class 1 unit having a rated capacity of not less than 25 pounds per hour suitable for Type 1 waste. All establishments, commercial, industrial, or residential where burning inside or outside is contemplated, shall first be investigated by the Fire Department for load factor determination. Permission shall be granted to install incinerator of an acceptable design within the load factor determination.
      (9)   Incinerator shall be constructed according to plans and specifications available at the Mt. Vernon Fire Department or may be “portable” or “package” unit fabricated in accordance with Incinerator Institute of America and N.F.B.U. Standards.
      (10)   Classification 1.
a. Type of waste
Type 1 Rubbish
b. Permissible components
Combustible waste, paper cartons, rags, floor sweepings, domestic, commercial, or industrial sources
c. Approximate composition by weight
Rubbish 100%
No garbage, animal, or human tissue, organic, or vegetable matter is permitted
d. Moisture content %
25% of weight
e. Incombustible solids %
10% of weight
f. BTU value/pounds of refuse
6500 as fired
   (C)   (1)   (a)   It shall be unlawful for any person owning, using, or in charge of any incinerator located within the Fire Limits of the City of Mt. Vernon to cause, suffer, or allow the emission or discharge of smoke, dust, fumes, gas, mist, or vapor from any such source into the atmosphere which is of a shade in excess of No. 2 on the Ringlemann Chart, as published by the United States Bureau of Mines or of such capacity as to obscure an observer’s view to a degree greater than does smoke of a shade equal to No. 1 on said Ringlemann Chart.
         (b)   The effluent from the stack shall be odorless.
         (c)   The effluent from the stack shall not exceed a particular matter emission of 0.4 grains per standard dry cubic foot of wet gas volume when calculated to fifty percent (50 %) excess air; Except that smoke with a density not exceeding No. 3 of the Ringlemann Chart may be permitted for a period of periods aggregating three (3) minutes in any hour.
      (2)   Any emission or discharge into the open air of smoke, particulate matter, or other matter as herein above described, from any single such source in excess of the limitations established in or pursuant to the above shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
      (3)   It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, exchange, deliver, or install for use, in the Fire Limits any make, model, or type of incinerator which does not meet the requirements of this Article.
      (4)   In approving any make, model, or type of incinerator, the following minimum standards shall apply and no such make, model, or type shall be approved unless it shall conform to the minimum standards as set forth in the National Board of Fire Underwriters for Incinerators Bulletin No. 82 dated July, 1958.
      (5)   All classifications for incinerators shall fall into one of the following:
Class I
Class “A” Domestic and Small Industrial Type Incinerators
Class II
Class “B” Domestic and Small Industrial Type Incinerators
Class III
Class “C” Flue Fed Incinerators
Class IV
Class “D” Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators
(Prior Code, Art. 9, § 9.5)