§ 90.14 WEEDS.
   (A)   That any rank or growing weeds over the height of one foot growing on any lot or tract of land within the City limits of the City of Mt. Vernon, Illinois, are hereby declared a nuisance. Such weeds shall be cut and removed by the owner or person having control of such lot or tract of land within five (5) days after notice in writing to the last known address of such person or if no address is known by posting notice upon the property by the Bureau of Inspection or other City official to cut the same. Any person failing to cut such weeds on any premises owned or controlled by him within five (5) days after such notice shall be deemed guilty of violation of this Article and upon conviction thereof be fined.
   (B)   In the event of failure, neglect or refusal of any person, firm or corporation to abate such nuisance within five (5) days after the service of notice as herein provided, the City may abate such nuisance, and the reasonable cost and expense of such abatement by the City will be and the same is hereby assessed against such firm or corporation, personally, as well as the several lots or parcels of land, respectively. Such lien may be foreclosed by the City of Mt. Vernon, Illinois; or, at the City’s election, it may sue and recover from any person, firm or corporation who fails, neglects or refuses to abate such nuisance within the aforesaid five-day period for the reasonable costs and expenses of such abatement by the City provided that the City may file and foreclose such lien or sue personally, or both. Reasonable costs and expenses of abatement shall include (but shall not be limited to) inspection and reinspection fees; abstracting and title costs; postage or service fees; costs of notice preparation; labor expenses; man-hour costs; machinery and equipment costs and fees; travel time for equipment to and from the property mowed; other costs associated with mowing; all costs of disposal of materials, debris or other such items; administrative and clerical costs; recording fees including costs incurred for filing of lien and release of same; all reasonable attorney fees and costs arising from preparation, institution, enforcement, collection, or foreclosure of any lien or suit filed or defended hereunder; and any other costs or expenses incurred by the City pursuant to exercise of its authority hereunder.
(Prior Code, Art. 13, § 13.14)