   (A)   No person shall keep or allow any dead grass, dry weeds or any combustible material upon any right-of-way or any premises owned, occupied or controlled by him within the City, and no person shall keep or allow any rank or growing weeds of a height of one foot on any premises within the City owned or occupied by such person.
   (B)   The keeping or allowing of any of the material herein described is hereby declared to be a nuisance which shall be abated as hereinafter set forth.
(Prior Code, Art. 13, § 13.3)
   No person being owner or having custody, care, control or possession of any animal which shall die within the City limits shall allow the carcass thereof to remain in the City limits for more than 12 hours and every such person shall cause such carcass to be removed within 12 hours of the death of such animal.
(Prior Code, Art. 13, § 13.4)
   (A)   No person shall have or keep any cattle, hogs, sheep or goats or other animals within the City in such manner as to create any offensive smell or noise or to create any condition dangerous to the health of the public.
   (B)   Keeping or permitting six or more dogs and/or cats over the age of four months upon or within any lot, structure, dwelling, or premises, except upon a lot, structure, or premises licensed and lawfully operating under the Illinois Animal Welfare Act (225 ILCS 605) and lawfully zoned under Chapter 161 of the Revised Code of Ordinances, shall constitute and is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
(Prior Code, Art. 13, § 13.5)
§ 90.06 SPITTING.
   No person shall expectorate or spit on any sidewalk or public place within the City.
(Prior Code, Art. 13, § 13.6)