(a) Any license under this article may be denied, suspended or revoked for any of the following reasons:
(1) The proposed use is in conflict with the City of Moundsville Zoning Ordinance;
(2) The proposed use is in conflict with any health, building, building maintenance or other provision of this code or State law;
(3) Violation of any provision of this article;
(4) Fraud, misrepresentation or false statements in securing a license;
(5) Fraud, misrepresentation or false statements made in the course of the applicant's business;
(6) Conviction within the preceding five (5) years, of any public offense relating to theft, damage or trespass to property or to the operation of a business.
(b) The City Clerk may, upon receipt of information alleging that grounds exist to deny, suspend or revoke the license of any applicant or licensee under this article, and after consultation with the legal department, report circumstances to the City Manager, which in such case may cause a notice to be served on the applicant or licensee which notice shall state that a denial, suspension, or revocation hearing has been set before the City Manager, the grounds for the proposed denial, suspension or revocation, the date and time of the hearing and the place where the hearing will be conducted. Upon such hearing, if the City Manager shall determine that one or more of such grounds do exist, he (she) may deny an application or suspend or revoke an
existing license. In the event such license is revoked, no license under this article shall be issued to that licensee for a period of one (1) year.
(Ord. 2-4-14.)