The application for permission to solicit, sell or offer for sale, as set forth in Section 713.01 shall be sworn to and shall contain the following information:
   (a)   Name of the organization applying for a permit and the address of its headquarters.
   (b)   Name and address of its principal officers and managers.
   (c)   Number of solicitors to be used, their names and addresses.
   (d)   The purpose for which such permit is desired, and the use to be made of any receipts therefrom.
   (e)   Names and addresses of the persons by whom the receipts are to be disbursed.
   (f)   Names and addresses of the persons who will be in direct charge of such sale or solicitation.
   (g)   An outline of the method to be used in such solicitation or sale.
   (h)   The amount of money expected to be realized from such solicitations or sale.
   (i)   The amount of wages, fees, commissions, expenses or emoluments to be expended or paid in connection with such solicitation or sale, together with the manner in which such wages, fees, commissions, expenses or emoluments are to be expended and to whom they are to be paid.
   (j)   A full statement of the character and extent of the charitable, religious, patriotic, social, benevolent, franternal or philanthropic work now being done by the applicant organization.
   (k)   The purpose or use to be made of such canvass, survey or personal data or information when obtained and completed.
   (l)   Council may require such other information as it may deem necessary.