In addition to any other law, rule or regulation adopted by the City or Health Department, the holder of any permit under this article, shall be subject to the following rules and regulations:
   (a)    Medical treatment of any kind shall not be given to any person unless authorized and under the supervision of a duly licensed physician.
   (b)    No person who has any visible symptoms of a communicable disease, such as a rash, discharge or fever, or who is complaining of a sore throat may be attended by any person under this article or any person engaged in the practice of massage.
   (c)    Each applicant for a permit under this article shall present a certificate from a registered physician, certifying that he or she, and his or her employees are free from communicable disease.
   (d)    Advertising that there is a nurse in attendance is prohibited unless there is a registered graduate nurse constantly in attendance during the business hours of the massage parlor.
   (e)    Advertising that there is a doctor is attendance is prohibited unless there is a registered physician constantly in attendance during the business hours of the massage parlor.
   (f)   A holder of a permit, under this article, shall exercise every precaution for the safety of patrons. They shall watch for early signs of fatigue or weakness and immediately discontinue whatever form of service is being given upon the appearance of such signs.
   (g)    No massage parlor shall be conducted in direct connection with living quarters, unless especially approved by the Board of Health.
   (h)    The premises used for a massage parlor shall be well lighted and ventilated. They shall be kept clean, and the furniture and equipment shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. There shall be an adequate supply of running hot and cold water during business hours. Bathing devices shall be thoroughly cleaned before the use of each patron.
   (i)    All robes, towels, blankets and linens furnished for the use of on patron shall be thoroughly laundered before being offered to another.
   (j)    Uniforms or garments worn by an owner, instructor, operator or apprentice while attending patrons shall be of washable material and shall be kept in clean condition. The sleeves shall not reach below the elbow.
   (k)    The skin of the hands of those attending patrons shall be clean and in healthy condition, and the nails shall be kept short. The hands shall be washed thoroughly before giving the patron any attention.
   (l)   The permit holder shall notify the Finance Director of any change of name or address of their homes or business.
      (Ord. 2-5-02.)