(a)   There is adopted by reference, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations, the State Building Code as promulgated by the West Virginia State Fire Commission pursuant to West Virginia Code §29-3-5(b) and the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the City. One (1) copy of the code shall be maintained on file at the City Building and shall be available to the public for inspection and use during all regular business hours.
   (b)   Any existing municipal ordinance that is more stringent or imposes a higher standard than is required by the above referenced codes shall govern, provided such ordinance is not inconsistent with the laws of West Virginia and is not contrary to recognized standards and good engineering practices.
   (c)   Any existing municipal ordinance that is less stringent or imposes a lower standard than is required by the above referenced codes is hereby amended to comply therewith.
   (d)   There is hereby adopted as if set out verbatim herein, the standards and requirements as set out and as published by the International Code Council (ICC), and American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) as listed below, which shall have the same force and effect as if set out verbatim in this subsection:
      (1)   The International Building Code.
      (2)   The International Plumbing Code.
      (3)   The International Mechanical Code.
      (4)   The International Fuel Gas Code.
      (5)   The International Property Maintenance Code.
      (6)   The International Energy Conservation Code.
      (7)   The International Residential Code For One and Two Family Dwellings.
      (8)   The ICC/ANSI Standards for Accessibility & Usable Buildings and Facilities.
      (9)   The International Existing Building Code.
      (10)   The NFPA Life Safety Code.
      (11)   The NFPA 70 National Electric Code.
   (e)   The versions of the above Codes shall be those currently adopted and in effect as a part of the West Virginia State Building Code by Title 87, Series 4 of the West Virginia Code of State Rules, and any future versions thereof that are so adopted from time to time. Consequently, the provisions of §87-4-4 (National Standards and Codes) of said Title 87, Series 4, is adopted as if set forth verbatim herein, and any future amendments or replacements thereof.
   (f)   Also adopted as if set forth verbatim herein, are the provisions of §87-4-2 (Definitions); §87-4-3 (Conflicts); and §87-4-5 (Exceptions) of said Title 87, Series 4 and any future amendments or replacements thereof.
   (g)   A copy of the codes adopted herein is on file with the West Virginia Secretary of State and the City of Moundsville. These code books may also be obtained by contacting the publishers.
   (h)   This section adopts the version of the State Building Code now in effect, the version that will become effective August 1, 2022, and all future versions thereof.
(Ord. 7-19-22)