The following rules for the transaction of business of Council shall continue in force until repealed or amended by resolution of Council, as follows:
   (a)   Order of Business. The business of Council at regular meetings shall be transacted as follows:
      (1)   Calling the meeting to order;
      (2)   Invocation;
      (3)   Roll call;
      (4)   Minutes of previous meeting;
      (5)   General public hearing;
      (6)   Manager items;
      (7)   Old business;
      (8)   New business;
      (9)   Mayor items;
      (10)   Council committee reports;
      (11)   Council items;
      (12)   Adjournment.
   The order of business may be changed at any meeting with the unanimous consent of Council or by a majority vote of the members of Council present. (Res. 7-2-19)
   (b)   Motions, Seconding. No motion shall be considered as before Council unless seconded and when required, it shall be reduced to writing.
   (c)   Consideration of Motion; Adjournment. When a motion is under consideration, no other motion shall be made, except one to amend, divide, commit or postpone, and except further that a motion to adjourn shall be in order at any time and shall take precedence over every other motion.
   (d)   Speaking Limitations on Motion. No member shall speak more than twice on the same motion without the consent of Council.
   (e)   Motion for Reconsideration. No motion for reconsideration shall be entertained at the same meeting of Council as the original question was decided unless made by a member who voted with the majority on the original question. Any member of Council may make a motion for reconsideration of a question at a subsequent meeting of Council.
   (f)   Questions of Order. The Mayor shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to Council.
(1977 Code Sec. 3.03)
   (g)   Voting, Generally. Notwithstanding any provision of Robert's Rules of Order to the contrary or in variance hereof, every member shall vote on any question on the calling for the "yeas" and "nays," unless unanimously excused by Council.
   (h)   Voting on Contracts, Ordinances. All votes upon contracts, ordinances, bylaws, resolutions and for the appropriation of money shall, at the request of one member, be by "yeas" and "nays," and the vote of each member shall be placed on the minutes of Council.
   (i)   Regulation of Speakers. When any member is about to speak to Council, he shall address the presiding officer and confine himself to the subject under consideration at the time.
   (j)   Amendment or Repeal of Rules. Any of the foregoing rules may be amended or repealed after ten days' notice.
   (k)   Suspension of Rules; Robert's Rules of Order. These rules may be suspended by a three-fourths vote of Council; and on all questions Robert's Rules of Order shall be the standard authority.
   (l)   Enforcement of Rules. It is made the special duty of the presiding officer to cause these rules to be enforced at all times.
(1977 Code Sec. 3.03)