(a)   Each subdivider shall submit to the City Manager for transmittal to the Planning Commission and the City Engineer four copies of the preliminary plat and supplementary information. The preliminary plat shall be drawn at a horizontal scale of one inch equals 100 feet or greater, though not less than one inch equals 100 feet, and on an overall sheet size of thirty-one inches by forty-one inches.
   (b)   The preliminary plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
      (1)   Material required in Section 1311.02;
      (2)   Draft of protective covenants whereby the subdivider proposes to regulate land use in the subdivision and otherwise protect the proposed development;
      (3)   Title block in the lower right corner of the plat shall include the following:
         A.   Name under which the subdivision is to be recorded;
         B.   Location of a subdivision by Municipality, County and State;
         C.   Name and addresses of the subdivision owner or owners;
         D.   Name and addresses of Registered Professional Engineer or Registered Surveyor who surveyed the property and prepared the plat; and
         E.   Magnetic north point, graphic scale, date of plat;
      (4)   Place for signature of Chairman and seal of the Commission and date of conditional approval of the Commission;
      (5)   Tract boundaries with bearings, distances and area in acres to the nearest hundredths;
      (6)   Existing easements, their location, width and distance;
      (7)   Tract closures and block closures with an allowable error of 1:10,000;
      (8)   Contours at vertical intervals of two feet for land areas with a slope of five percent (5%) or less and at five-foot intervals for land areas with a slope of greater than five percent (5%);
      (9)   Datum to which contour elevations refer;
      (10)   Bench marks;
      (11)   Existing physical features to include:
         A.   Watercourses, culverts, bridges and drains;
         B.   Existing buildings, railroads, sewers, water mains and fire hydrants;
         C.   Streets and alleys on or adjacent to the tract, including street name, right-of-way widths and cartway widths; and
         D.   Subsurface conditions of tract including information regarding past mining activity and future possibility of mine activity. If there are any seams of mineable material within 300 feet of the surface, the subdivider shall be required to show proof that he owns rights of support;
      (12)   Proposed improvements shall include:
         A.   Location, name and width of all proposed streets and alleys and paved cartway widths;
         B.   Sidewalks and crosswalks;
         C.   All rights-of-way and easements;
         D.   Lot lines with bearings and dimensions, lot numbers and block numbers;
         E.   Building lines;
         F.   General drainage plan for storm water to include proposed water direction of flow for storm water in relation to natural channels with disposition controlled so as not to extend damage to adjoining properties;
         G.   A plat of the proposed water distribution system or a plat showing the location of individuals wells;
         H.   A plat of the proposed sanitary sewer system or a plat, where required, showing the proposed location of on-lot sewage disposal facilities;
         I.   Sites, if any, reserved or dedicated for parks, playgrounds or other public use, indicate acreage of these sites; and
         J.   Sites for multi-family dwellings, shopping centers or other commercial uses, public uses such as churches and schools, industry or other uses exclusive of single-family detached dwellings; and
      (13)   The following additional data shall be submitted upon request by the Commission or the City Engineer:
         A.   Names and addresses of abutting property owners;
         B.   Subsurface conditions of the tract including location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and ground water conditions, depth to ground water unless test pits are dry at a depth of five feet; location and results of soil percolation tests if individual sewage disposal systems are proposed;
         C.   Tentative profiles for sanitary and storm sewers and profiles showing existing round and proposed centerline street grades;
         D.   Typical cross sections of roadways and sidewalks;
         E.   Sizes of water pipes and location of valves and fire hydrants; and
         F.   Location of manholes, invert elevations, grades and sizes of sanitary and storm sewers.