§ 159.005 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALTERATION. Any change, addition or modification.
   BUILDING. Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
   DEVELOPMENT. The construction, installation or alteration of any structure, the extraction, clearing or other alteration of land or terrestrial or aquatic vegetation or the course, current or cross-section of any water body or watercourse or the subdivision of land into parcels pursuant to Ch. 158 of this code of ordinances.
   DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS. A minimum/maximum setback yard requirements or structure height or size established in Ch. 158 and Ch. 160 of this code of ordinances.
      (1)   Any natural, altered or artificial watercourse which has definable beds and banks capable of conducting confined runoff from adjacent lands. Watercourse beds not clearly defined shall be delineated to include that area which would be inundated by runoff, calculated in accordance with provisions in the Local Water Management Plan, from a storm event having a recurrence interval of once in ten years;
      (2)   An altered watercourse is that which has been affected by human-made changes in straightening, deepening, narrowing or widening the original channel; and
      (3)   An artificial watercourse is that which has been artificially constructed by humans where there was no previous natural watercourse. The limits of the watercourse bed are confined to that area which would be inundated by runoff, calculated in accordance with provisions in the Local Water Management Plan, from a storm event having a recurrence interval of once in ten years.
   ENHANCE/ENHANCEMENT. To heighten the value of city’s wetlands with respect to the purposes of this chapter.
   LOCAL WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. A Local Water Management Plan has been prepared for the city in accordance with M.S. Ch. 103B, as it may be amended from time to time. The plan identifies the goals and policies of the city in providing for future development while minimizing surface water problems.
   MANAGED. To control the use of the city’s wetland resources in a manner which is consistent with the purposes of this chapter. MANAGEMENT of wetlands includes conservation maintenance and enhancement.
   PERMIT. An official document or certificate issued by the city authorizing performance of a specified activity.
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association or other private or governmental entity.
   STRUCTURE. That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
   WATER QUALITY. The degree of excellence of water, including, but not limited to, phosphorus concentrations, sediment load and concentration of metals.
   WETLAND. Those areas greater than one acre in size that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support and that under normal circumstances do support hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils and wetland hydrology, as delineated on the Wetland Zoning District Map.
   WETLAND BUFFER AREA. Areas abutting and within 100 feet, measured horizontally, of a wetland.
   WETLAND DRAINAGE DISTRICT. The area tributary to the wetland zoning district as delineated on the Wetland Zoning District Map.
   WETLAND ZONING DISTRICT. The areas delineated on the Wetland Zoning District Map which include the wetlands and wetland buffer areas.
(Prior Code, § 1010.05) (Ord. 505, passed 04-27-1992; Ord. 957, passed 05-28-2019)