It is the intent of the city to effectuate the purposes of this chapter through the following means:
   (A)   Adopt a map designating the wetlands protected by this chapter;
   (B)   Promote community education about the importance, function, limitations and impact of urbanization upon the water resources of the community;
   (C)   To preserve and enhance wetlands within the community through implementation of development regulations that will ensure the design and construction of adequate on-site storm water, sedimentation and retention and detention basins, flow control devices and implementation of effective erosion control techniques;
   (D)   To apply techniques such as density transfers to development proposals in order to minimize ratios of impermeable surface to open space;
   (E)   To establish means by which certain wetlands may be placed in the public domain for purposes of enhancement, preservation, protection and maintenance;
   (F)   To provide means by which an applicant and the city will routinely obtain advice and input from various governmental agencies and professionals in the field of fresh water biology, hydrology and civil engineering; and
   (G)   To establish a system of permits and enforcement to effectuate the intent of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 1010.04) (Ord. 505, passed 04-27-1992)