(A)   Purpose. It is the intent and purpose of this section to provide for orderly development of land to safeguard life, health, safety, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling all development within the city. This section shall be in addition to the requirements of any other provisions of the city code regulating the development.
   (B)   Application of development controls. All new construction and expansions of existing construction shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the City Council as conforming to this section, except as follows:
      (1)   Single- or two-family dwelling units;
      (2)   Accessory structures that meet the requirements of the applicable zoning district; and
      (3)   Construction activity that increases the gross square footage of the principal building by less than 10%; provided, the area of expansion does not exceed 10,000 square feet.
   (C)   Development plan. The owner or developer shall submit for city review a development plan that shows proposed plans for utility service, surface water drainage consistent with the most recently adopted Local Surface Water Management Plan, subject to subsequent revisions, erosion and sediment control consistent with current city standards, streets, driveways, trails, parking, landscaping, screening and buffering, lighting, setbacks, exterior construction design and materials, trash disposal, construction timetable and such other matters as the Council may require.
   (D)   Development agreement.
      (1)   A development agreement that sets forth all of the terms, conditions, requirements, agreements, guarantees and plans for the orderly development of the land shall be entered into between the developer and the city before the final approval of any subdivision, or project that qualifies for a development review, as determined by division (B) above. This requirement may be waived by the City Council in the event no public improvements are planned or proposed.
      (2)   The development agreement shall include provisions for supervision of details of construction by the city and grant to the city authority to inspect all work performed pursuant to the contract to assure satisfactory performance and completion of the work.
(Prior Code, § 1006.04)
   (E)   Certificate of occupancy.
      (1)   No building or structure can be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building, structure or portion of a building or structure can be made until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy for the building or structure. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy is not approval of a violation of the code or ordinances. Occupancy may be granted by the Building Official upon receipt of an escrow from the applicant prior to completion of the following items:
         (a)   Seed/sod;
         (b)   As-built grading survey (covers grading and survey completion);
         (c)   Driveway;
         (d)   Curb cut for new driveway and removal/replacement of old curb cut;
         (e)   Control of site erosion;
         (f)   Removal of debris including site clearing, construction, existing structures and the like;
         (g)   Storm water management/drainage features; and
         (h)   Any other items as determined by the Building Official.
      (2)   The escrow amount collected shall be in an amount established by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 508, passed 04-27-1992; Ord. 692, passed 03-25-2002; Ord. 853, passed 02-03-2011; Ord. 916, passed 05-23-2016)