(A)   Meetings; written instruments. The Council may preserve order at its meetings and shall be the judge of the election and qualification of its members. The Council shall have power to regulate its own procedure. Every current contract, conveyance, license or other written instrument shall be executed on behalf of the municipality by the Mayor and City Administrator, with the corporate seal affixed and only pursuant to authority from the Council.
   (B)   Appointment of officers, employees and agents.
      (1)   The Council may appoint such officers, employees and agents for the municipality as may be deemed necessary for the proper management and operation of municipal affairs.
      (2)   The Council may prescribe the duties and fix the compensation of all officers, both appointive and elective, employees and agents, when not otherwise prescribed by law.
      (3)   The Council may, except as otherwise provided, remove any appointive officer or employee when, in its judgment, the public welfare will be promoted by the removal.
      (4)   The power of removal is subject to veterans’ preference and civil service laws that may be applicable.
(Prior Code, § 105.02) (Ord. 844, passed 05-20-2010)