§ 119.022 LICENSE FEES.
   An annual fee, per the city’s approved fee schedule, shall be paid 30 days prior to the license expiration date. License fees may be reduced by voluntary participation in the crime-free rental housing program as outlined in § 119.007 of this chapter. Any owner or agent who fails to apply for license renewal in the case of an existing license, prior to the time or date set forth herein shall pay a penalty as established by City Council resolution. The license fee shall include the initial inspection and one follow-up inspection. A fee, per the city’s approved fee schedule, shall be charged for any reinspections or attempted reinspections required, whether due to the failure of the reinspection, the enforcement officer’s inability to gain access to the multiple dwelling at the time of attempted reinspection, or otherwise, and must be paid before a license will be issued. The operation of an unlicensed rental dwelling unit shall be subject to an additional administrative fine, established by City Council resolution.
(Prior Code, § 1012.03) (Ord. 731, passed 03-22-2004; Ord. 802, passed 02-25-2008; Ord. 915, passed 06-13-2016)