(A)   Upon notification by law enforcement authorities, the enforcement officer will promptly notify the following parties by U.S. mail:
      (1)   The owner of the property, if known; and
      (2)   Occupants of the property.
   (B)   The enforcement officer will attempt to notify the additional following parties:
      (1)   Any neighbors that have been determined to be at risk; and
      (2)   Other appropriate state and local authorities including, but not limited to, the MDH and the MPCA, which are known to have applicable public and environmental protection responsibilities.
   (C)   The notice must, at a minimum, include the location of the site, the name of the property owner, if known, the type and nature of the contamination, and the extent of the contamination.
   (D)   The enforcement officer must also cause a copy of the notice to be posted at each appropriate access point to the site.
   (E)   Removal of the posted notice by anyone other than the enforcement officer, law enforcement authorities or their designees is prohibited.
   (F)   Any multiple dwelling license or business license issued by the city will be immediately suspended upon issuance of the notice and will only be reinstated after full compliance with an abatement order.
(Prior Code, § 609.05)