(A) Investigation and report. All applications shall be referred to the Police Department for verification and investigation of the facts set forth in the application. The Police Department shall make a written report and recommendation to the City Council as to approval or denial of the license. The City Council may order and conduct the additional investigation that it deems necessary.
(B) Cost of investigation. An investigation fee shall be collected with each application for a pawnshop license to cover the expense of any investigation needed to assure compliance with this chapter. The investigation fee is per the city’s approved fee schedule. If the investigation and verification process is conducted outside the state, additional fees may be required.
(C) Application. When a licensee places a manager in charge of the business, or if the named manager(s) in charge of a licensed business changes, the licensee must complete and submit the appropriate investigation application within 14 days. The manager shall be subject to the investigation required herein and to payment of the investigation fee required by this chapter, which shall be paid in advance. The designation of a new manager shall not cause the license to become invalid before a decision is rendered; provided, proper notice and application are made by the applicant. A proposed new manager shall be referred to as the interim manager. In the event an interim manager is rejected, the licensee shall designate another interim manager and make the required application within 14 days of the decision. If a proposed manager is rejected, the decision may be appealed to the City Council by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Administrator within ten days after being notified of the rejection.
(Prior Code, § 516.05) (Ord. 844, passed 05-20-2010)