Every application for license under this chapter, whether for a natural person, partnership, corporation or other organization, shall be made on a form supplied by the city and shall contain all information as required on that form by law.
   (A)   All applications for a license under this chapter shall be signed and sworn to under oath or affirmation by applicant. If the application is that of a natural person, it shall be signed and sworn to by the person; if that of a corporation, by an officer thereof; if that of a partnership, by one of the general partners; and, if that of an unincorporated association, by the manager or managing officer thereof.
   (B)   Any falsification on a license application shall result in the denial of a license.
   (C)   No pawnbroker license will be issued, renewed or transferred without a public hearing conducted by the City Council after a notice has been published in the official city newspaper at least ten days in advance of the hearing.
(Prior Code, § 516.04)