(A)   Therapeutic massage enterprise license. The City Administrator must verify the information supplied on the license application and investigate the background, including the criminal background, of the applicant to assure compliance with this section. Within 90 days of receipt of a complete application and fee for a therapeutic massage enterprise license, the City Administrator must make a written recommendation to the City Council as to issuance or non-issuance of the license. The City Council may order additional investigation if it deems it necessary, but must grant or deny the application within 120 days of receipt by the City Administrator of the complete application and required fees.
   (B)   Therapeutic massage therapist license. Within 90 days of receipt of a complete application and fee for a therapeutic massage therapist license, the City Administrator must grant or deny the application. Notice will be sent to the applicant upon a denial informing the applicant of the right to appeal to the City Council within 20 days. If an appeal is properly made, the matter will be placed on the next available City Council agenda.
(Prior Code, § 514.08) (Ord. 844, passed 05-20-2010)