(A)   Transferability. Licenses shall not be transferable from one person to another.
   (B)   Conditions and restrictions. The following conditions and restrictions shall apply to all donation collection bins.
      (1)   Donation collection bins may only be located on properties with an existing and operating noncommercial, educational, religious, governmental, institutional or charitable use.
      (2)   The bins shall be located on an improved surface behind the front line of the principle structure. Bins shall be maintained in a like-new condition.
      (3)   Donation collection bins shall not be visible from the County Road 10 right-of-way.
      (4)   Donation collection bins shall not exceed seven feet in height and 25 square feet in ground area. Only one bin may be permitted per property.
      (5)   The bin shall not reduce the width of paved clear space for the passage of pedestrians to less than five feet, shall not be located within five feet of a fire hydrant or fire department connection, and shall not utilize any required parking spaces or impede/disrupt the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
      (6)   Notice shall be affixed to such bins indicating the “company” name and phone number of the bin’s owner and operator and a statement discouraging the placement of items outside the bin, of a size sufficient to be legible at a distance of three feet. Any advertising shall be affixed to the bin only and shall be limited to no more than eight square feet.
      (7)   The owner and operator of the bin shall maintain and provide proof of $1,000,000 general liability insurance coverage for each location where a bin is located.
      (8)   Items left outside the bin shall be collected and removed within 24-hour notice provided to the owner and operator of the bin.
      (9)   The Council may impose any additional conditions or restrictions it deems reasonably necessary or advisable.
(Prior Code, § 519.06)